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Pertineo- Concern in latin

Magister Ferez's interests in battle magic concerns Daniel, as if he has to go to war anytime soon. Is there going to be a war?, thought Daniel. Has Altar found our home?, Daniel questions in his mind while putting away the potions ingredients down in the cellar. Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming from the stairs, "Dan, you down here?". 

Daniel reply to Piper, "yes, mea magistra". Piper stopped her steps as soon she sees Daniel and put one of her hands on her hips, "do you have any plans, tonight? No, I don't think so. Let's go out!", she grins. "If you haven't noticed mea magistra, mystical underground does not exactly have nightlife", Daniel chuckles. 

"Exactly, that is why we are going to the other side!", she exclaimed. "What? No no, it's already dark out. Plus, I don't think Magister Ferez would allow us to go out at this hour", Daniel explained. "Where would we go anyway?", Daniel continued. 

"We could grab dinner or coffee..", Piper suggested. "I don't think coffee is a good idea to have when you need to wake up early for your training tomorrow",Daniel said. 

"How bout a smoothie?", Piper runs down the stairs and stand beside Daniel. "A smoothie?", Daniel questions. "Come on! I just wanna get out of here, plus I have found a place where you would really like!".

"Where is that?", Daniel turns away from Piper and picks up the books and goes up the stairs, avoiding this conversation. "You just have to come with! It's a surprise", Piper follows behind him. Piper keeps on trying to persuade Daniel but Daniel just walk into the library and puts the books where there are supposed to and let Piper repeating her pleases, until Magister Ferez found them in the hall and said, "what's all this begging I hear from out in the back?", 

"It's nothing, mea magister", Daniel said but Piper instantly cut him off, "Daniel wouldn't go out with me to get a smoothie", she crosses her arms. "Daniel, I think you better go with her to get this smoothie", Ferez respond and Daniel's jaw drops, "pardon?". "It's dark out, and it's better that you accompany Piper and also, you can get yourself a cup of smoothie. What do you got to lose, my boy?", Magister Ferez said and Daniel sighed, "I oblige, mea magister". 

Piper jumped in excitement, and then she leaned towards Daniel, "you are going to like this place, Dan. I'm sure of it". 

When they left the house, the sun has set and Mystical Underground has no street lights so it is pitch black when they step out to the backyard. Luckily, Daniel brought a torch light for them to see where they're going. "I thought that you're going to bring an oil lamp like in the olden days", Piper said and Daniel replied, "we are still in the year 2016, mea magistra". As Daniel chant to open the portal, the both of them jumped in and when they arrived at the other side, Piper successfully lands on her feet. 

"Dan! I landed on my feet! Ahhh! I did it!", she jumps excitedly. "Good for you, mea magistra", Daniel said with disinterest. "I didn't even bring extra clothes for you so, good riddance", he continues. He starts to walk away, heading to the main road. Piper captures his sarcasm so she runs towards him and nudge him slightly. "You don't have to be such an ass, Dan", she said.

"Can we just go and get your stupid smoothie and go back home?", Daniel continues to walk ahead. "Hey! What is so bad with going out? You're afraid of the night or something?", she asks him and Daniel ignores her question. "You're afraid of what? The boogeyman? We have magic for God sakes! We're gonna be alright and you are gonna be fine, Madison is gonna be there and we'll have a great time", Daniel turns to her when he find out the real reason she wants to go out. "You're going to hang out with your buddies?! Why did you have to drag me with you when you have your clique waiting for you? Oh my God, why am I so stupid! I really thought that you really feel trapped and wanna to have a walk, but you just used me to get magister's permission to go out. You fuckin' used me, Piper!", Piper tried to calm him down but he stepped back from her, "I might be your adiutor one day, but that doesn't mean you have to lie to me. I'm done, I'm going back. You know your way home anyways". 

Daniel walks in the opposite direction, "Dan, wait! Madison is not the only one there!", she yelled. "Of course there's more! You are a social princess, aren't you?!", Daniel shouted back. "I really mean that you are going to like this place, just come with me, please!", Piper said. Daniel turns around in frustration and he has never felt this furious before, "why would I believe you, Piper?"

Piper softly grabs his hand, "just come with me". Daniel realize that he might be overreacting so he sighed, "if you fool me again, I'm gonna go back and act like this never happened". The both of them started to walk to this smoothie place and as soon as Piper walks through the door, they heard her name being called out, "Piper! I thought you're gonna stand me up!". They walk their way to Madison's booth and Piper slides in where Daniel slides in and sit beside her. 

"I know you. You're guy right?", Madison asks and takes a sip from her smoothie. Daniel nods and turns to whisper to Piper, "I don't think I can do this, I don't see anyone I know. I'm gonna leave, call me if you need me", "wait, he's coming", Piper said. Daniel furrows his eyebrows, "who's coming?". 

"Hi, may I take your order?", Daniel turned and he can feel his blush going up to his cheeks instantly. "I'll have the banana buzz, Daniel?", Piper confidently ordered. Daniel do not know whether to keep eye contact or look away so that he doesn't notice that his face is heating up like a tomato. "What about you?", he asked Daniel and Daniel stole a look, and his face is just mesmerizing. "err...", Daniel mutters. "It's his first time here, so he'll call you when he makes a decision", Piper smiles to him. The guy smiles back, "cool". When he left, Daniel said, "Piper, can I talk to you in private?". The both of them got up and excused themselves. They decided to have their conversation outside where Daniel could not embarrass himself even more.

"Do you know that guy? Where do you know him? How? Why? I don't get any of this", Daniel mutters. "Calm down, Dan. I just saw this guy one day and realize that it's the same guy in your hanging photos. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out that you have a huge crush on him", Piper crosses her arms and smiles coyly. "Crush? What are you talking about? You're not making any sense", Daniel denies his feeling where he has been feeling for over a year now. This conversation is making him nervous because he has never told anyone about this feelings he has, especially towards a boy. 

"It's okay, Dan. It's normal to have a crush, to whomever it may be", Piper said and gives Daniel a hug. "I never talked about anyone", he confesses. "It's okay, now you have me to talk about it to", Piper responds and as they let go of each other, they smiles towards one another and Daniel looks back into the smoothie place and the sight of his face just creates a tremendous amount of nerves and butterflies twisting in his stomach. "What am I going to do? I can't do this, I never done anything like this before. I never flirted before", he says. "You don't have to flirt, you just have to talk to him", Piper says with a smile. 

"Wh-what do I say?", he asks and Piper answered, "anything, but don't mention that you took pictures of him like a stalker", she jokes and Daniel giggles. Daniel takes a deep breath and right before he wants to go in again, something caught in the corner of his eye. 

Blue smoke 

He turns his head, and it is blue smoke, coming from the end of the street and he starts to shake. The smoke is getting thicker and voluminous, "we gotta go back", he said and Piper raised her voice, "what? Come on, Dan. You can do this, it's easier than it looks". "We have to go back! We're not safe here!", he whisper-yells and grab Piper's arm and lead her back to the portal and when they arrived at Ferez's backyard, Daniel sprints towards the library, finding his magister smoking a pipe. "I saw blue smoke. Is that why you have been reading and learning battle magic on your own?! Is this really happening? Why don't you tell me what is going on?", Dan said. Magister Ferez stands up and put his pipe down, "because my boy, there's more to the story as it is". 


a/n: Yes, a cliffhanger. I hope you like this story as much as I do, and don't forget to comment what you think, I am really curious to know what you guys think of this chapter! 

Oh happy summer holidays to you that's still in school or uni, and Ramadhan Kareem to all the muslims out there! :D 

I'll try to update this as often as I can, cause the story just keeps getting better ain't it ;)

Much lovess xx

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