Part 18 : No Strings Attached

Start from the beginning

I looked like hell. Red, inflamed eyes and a bright pink puffy face. I ran to the bathroom and splashed some water over my face, which reduced the swelling. I sighed and grabbed a clip from the side cabinet, tying my hair back into a loose topknot.

How could I go back? How could I go back when there was a cloud hanging over his fidelity?


Seriously? Who was calling for me at this time? It was 7:00 in the morning and it couldn't be September, she didn't get up until 12:00pm when she had a hangover.

"Kimberley. I got your message."

He stood pathetically against the door, his shirt crumpled, his trousers hanging low on his hips, just suspended by his large buckled belt. His eyes were bloodshot and streaming as if he'd been crying. If he had I didn't want to know. I didn't have time for his crocodile tears and puppy dog eyes. I'd been a fool for far too long.

"Well, obviously I wasn't speaking English because I said not to show your face around here again! So get out of my apartment now!"

"You don't mean it Kimberley. I know you don't mean it." He whispered frantically

"Don't tell me what I mean and don't tell me what I feel! I told you to get out, so get out!" The anger was bubbling inside of me now. How dare he?

"I need to talk to you Kimberley. We need to sit down and talk about this."

I sneered, "Okay. That sounds great. Would you like to sit down and talk about it with Sofia?"

"Look, Sofia was--"

I cut him off instantly, "Sofia was your ex wife Riccardo, the woman you said you hated more than anything else in the world because she defiled your marriage and spread her legs for another man. Aren't you defiling everything we have Riccardo? Or is this a double standard because you just so happen to be a man? You know what? You need to get your head out of your ass!"

"Kimberley, don't be like this please. It was a mistake and I'm sorry. You know how I feel about you. Just because I made this... One little mistake, you can't say I don't love you. I'm sorry Kimberley, you know I am."

"You know what? I don't need your sorry. I've had enough sorry to last me a lifetime."

"I'll repeat my offer," he said, "We need to sit down and talk about this."

"Or perhaps the police?" I hissed, "This is harassment and trespassing of property!"

"Oh, stop being ridiculous Kimberley!"

"Oh, I'm being ridiculous? You're the one who just slept with your ex-wife when you're meant to be marrying me in a week! So, I'm being ridiculous?"

"Kimberley, please..." He begged

"Please what? Please take me back? Hell no. I don't feel anything for you anymore Riccardo. Not when I walk in to what's meant to be our apartment and you're sleeping with another woman and oh, wait, she just happens to be your ex-wife, the one woman that you're meant to hate more than anything!"

"You don't mean that Kimberley, because I know that you love me—"

"You're so full of sh*t aren't you?"

"I was going to say, as much as I love you. Because I do love you Kimberley, more than anything in this world and I do hate Sofia more than anything because she's a two-timing b*tch! Last night was a mistake, you know that as much as me, so I'm asking you Kimberley to forgive me and give me one last chance and I promise I'll never leave your side ever again, because I am in love with you Kimberley. You complete me."

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