Part 11 : No Strings Attached

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Here's Part 11!

Much Love,

B. Xxxx


Kimberley's P.O.V.

He kissed me. Again...

This time it felt right, more than anything in the world. Instead of pulling back, I kissed him back, his hands around my waist, my hands in his hair.

Every touch was sensational, electric, like I couldn't get enough of him. This was my boss... I worked for his company... mere months ago he was just a celebrity in a magazine... a hot one at that. And now, he was kissing me, he wanted me. Riccardo Alonso wanted me.

He was mine. For now, he was mine and I would try not to let him go. My heart was beating ten to the dozen as I tried my best not to drown in the chocolate depths of his eyes. This was one fine specimen of a man and it was shocking enough that he even associated himself with me, let alone professed his love for me.

How had I managed to capture the attention of a man who only did no strings attached relationships?

Riccardo pulled back, "So does this mean you forgive me?"

I sighed, "Shut up and kiss me you idiot."


One of my eyebrows arched at his tone, "What?"

"I said no."

"You were the one who ran from the highway to JFK. You left your car in the middle of the road to chase me down. What do you mean no?"

"Miss Scott. Don't test me. I said no and I meant no, we're going home. He tickled my ribs and I squirmed out giggling,

"God Rick, you're so demanding!"

"Ah, Miss Scott, if you think this is demanding, I'd hate for you to see what demanding really looks like." He grabbed my hand as we rushed out of the airport

"Rick! What about my bags... my clothes?" I protested weakly, being relentlessly dragged along.

"I'll buy you more. Come on baby." He smirked

"Rick! Slow down! Rick, I'm in heels, I can't!"

I giggled breathlessly and he looked back at me, his eyes shining with ill-concealed amusement and almost disbelief.

We ran out into the chilly air of New York and he paused at the sidewalk, pulling me into his arms and kissing me hard.

I moaned in approval, clasping the lapels of his jacket as his hands dove into my curly locks and twisted.

"God, you drive me insane." He groaned loudly, wiping the red lipstick away from his mouth, "Come, baby, let's get you home before I turn you into an exhibitionist."

He hailed the nearest taxi, pulling me in and I had mere milliseconds to catch my breath before his hands were all over me again.

He continued to tickle me mercilessly, "Oh God Rick, I swear if you don't stop, I will make you pay!"

He raised his eyebrows, "Miss Scott, I have absolutely no idea as to what you are referring to!"

I rolled my eyes, "I know you Rick. I've known you for months, you are... so... so... indescribable! Now, I just have to make a quick call."

I quickly dialled the number and pressed CALL. There was one person who absolutely needed to know about this. I knew I'd gone against her master plan but I was too deliriously happy to consider September Wood's consequences.

"Hello, September Wood."

"Hi September!"

"You sound cheerful!" She giggled, "What's gotten into you?"

"Nothing much. Although slight change of plan... I'm not going to Cali."

She laughed, "My plan worked then!"

"What pla--"

I gasped as the cog turned in my head.

It all worked out, September got Rick to follow me to the airport. She manipulated me into getting that flight, risking that Rick would miss me.....

"You absolute bitch! How could you! Rick could've missed my flight, how could you manipulate him.. And me!"

"Oh shut up Kimberley Scott, you know you love me! Besides, you owe it all to me!"

"Yeah... I kinda do...." I admitted. Hell, the girl was my best friend and the most caring person I knew.

"Then why the hell are you still on the phone to me, you lunatic?! You need to be getting to grips with that caramel god of yours!"

I laughed, "September, you're on loud speaker..."

"Hi September. Rick here."

"Oh crap! Why didn't you tell me! I've embarrased myself now! Rick, I'm really sorry about the whole plan thing..."

"That's okay, I know you had good intentions." He shook his head in amusement

"I'll see you guys later today then.... or tomorrow.... or the next day...."

I gasped, "September, stop!"

"Don't do anything I wouldn't!"

"Girl, you'd do anything!" I laughed.

"Um.... I suppose I would!" she giggled, "I'll speak to you love birds sometime later. Ciao."

"Yeah, bye Sep."


"Sorry about that. September is a bit crazy sometimes..."

He chuckled, "Sometimes? From my experience that girl is crazy all the time..."

I laughed, "Yeah, that's kinda true."

He wrapped his arms around me and I put my head on his chest and suddenly the world felt right again, right here in Rick's arms and the rest of the world could just melt away.

He was mine. Riccardo Alonso was my man. It was almost hard to believe. Me, Kimberley Scott, the awkward girl from California that wore thick rimmed glasses and volunteered in the library, sneaking a look at law books whenever I could.

And now I was here, living my dream in New York, finding love, reaching my dreams, dreams I never even knew could exist. I had always wanted to be someone, someone special... and Rick... no matter how irritating and testing he could be at times... he made me feel like that. Special.

I didn't want to be anywhere else at that moment in time. Riccardo Alonso's arms is where I belong.

Nothing will change that.


Author's Note:

And Rimberley is born!

Let me know if you would like to see anything in the storyline!

B. Xxx

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