Part 13 : No Strings Attached

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Okay, so this is the same chapter just in Rick's P.O.V.

Also there is a sneak preview of Part 14!

Much Love,

B. X


Rick's P.O.V.

Last night was more than I could've ever imagined. Kimberley Scott was truly Aphrodite... in every possible way. She was perfect, perfect for me, absolutely perfect.

And waking up to her tangled in between my satin sheets was more than I could've ever dreamed.

She was truly gorgeous. More than I could've ever imagined or expected. And the image I'd painted of her in my head? She'd more than exceeded it.

Of course, I had been determined to bed her. I sounded like a pig, but seeing her every day and knowing she could possibly want was enough to drive a man insane.

But so distracted I had been with thoughts of seeing her falling apart beneath me, I'd forgotten to put my guard up, particularly around my heart.

After all, my no strings attached deal with women saw me move from one to the next without much care of what they liked, what they dreamed of. I was far more interested with what was between their legs than between their ears.

But then there was Kimberley, and as I looked at her lying next to me in bed, I knew I was royally screwed.

She'd opened up the doors to my heart in such a short time, and not only that, but she'd set up camp there - and she certainly wasn't leaving.

My heart began to race as she shifted in my arms and I steadied my breathing. It was hard to remember whether I'd felt like this before in my life.

Of course, I'd been in love with Sofia. But that was a very long time ago. And it was safe to say we hated each others guts. While I could remember a time when I'd loved her, this feeling was certainly new.

And while a part of me wanted to run right into it, another part of me, the sensible part perhaps, wanted to run as far away as possible and never look back.

But the thought of not seeing the beautiful woman in my arms ever again unsettled me to the highest degree. I knew I'd never want to be without her ever again.

As I rubbed a strand of her curly hair in between my fingertips, I thought back to last night.

I didn't want to sound too smug, but I knew she'd be thinking about it. Last night was the best sex I'd ever had, and I knew it was hers as well. We fit together like two jigsaw pieces. It was almost as if we were made for each other. Like it was fate.

Now was the time to wake her, to look into her beautiful eyes and have her look back at me as if I'd hung the moon.

That was my favourite part. The way she looked at me. When I looked at myself in the mirror, despite my outward presentation, I was still a scared, uncertain kid with big dreams I wasn't sure would ever come true. It was difficult to view myself as the successful CEO I now was.

But not with Kimberley. She would look at me as if I was the best thing in the world. And it only made me want to fulfill what she hoped even more.

Waking her, I gently shook her shoulder and watched as her eyes scrunched up tight and then opened, wide and green.

And there it was. That look. That look.

I kissed her smooth lips, running my hands through her hair, then to her shoulders and down to her hips. She was so perfect, so beautiful, flawless in absolutely every single way. And what's more... she was all mine. I would never let her go, never let another man look at her ever again.

She was mine and she deserved to be treated like a queen. And it was about high time I showed her how serious I really was.

Kimberley's P.O.V.

I slipped on the suit jacket and skirt. Wearing no top underneath was such a good idea, thanks September!

So I walked out, to find that Rick was already dressed in his Versace suit and tie. My favourite. He looked so sexy.

“You look so sexy.... do we have to go to work....?” he moaned

“Yes Riccardo Alonso, yes we do.”

“But Kim, I-“

“No buts, hunny,” I smiled, “And remember, I have a reputation to uphold....”

“You won’t have any kind of  reputation, well at least not of the good kind, not when I’m done with you.”

I laughed, “And the press will be on you like a pack of wolves, now come on, I called Linda and she’s sent the Royce to come and pick us up. Jeremy is probably outside waiting for us now.”

“Come on then.”

We walked out of the apartment and onto the street where the Royce was waiting, we both slipped inside without saying a word to each other.

“No relationship stuff, okay?” I whispered in his ear.

“Yes, m’am.” He whispered back, his breath tickling my ear.

“Mr Alonso, Miss Scott, good morning.” Jeremy smiled looking in his mirror at the both of us.

I suddenly felt extremely awkward and shuffled towards the window.

“Mr Alonso, I presume we will be going straight to Headquarters?”

“Yes thank you Jeremy, make sure that the Jaguar is outside for 2:00. Miss Scott and I will be taking a little trip out...”

My eyes widened and I looked at Rick who smiled back at me,

“Business trip of course...”

Jeremy cleared his throat and adjusted his tie, “Of course Mr Alonso, I wouldn’t expect anything less....”

“Yes, Jeremy, now would you please unlock the door?”

“Sure thing, Mr Alonso, Miss Scott... have a nice day.”

We got out of the car and went into the office via the revolving door. Rick had his hand around my waist as we walked in. I’m pretty sure everyone realised something was up....

“Linda,” I smiled, “Nice to see you again...”

“Good morning Miss Scott, nice to see you again as well on this fine morning!”

“Likewise Linda,” Rick smiled, “Likewise...”

“Mr Alonso.” Linda nodded and smiled, pressing the lift button,

Rick and I stepped into the lift and went up and up.... until the lift suddenly juddered and stopped.

“Not again!”


Author's Note.

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Much Love,

B. Xxxx

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