Part 18 : No Strings Attached

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in so long you guys!

I love the song on the side, its so stupid, yet so stereotypical and has Rick written all over it!

B. Xxxx


I can't believe that he has done this to me. Again.

I always fell for that charming, irresistible, kind exterior without seeing the real him. What a bastard.

But that was it now. I was done with men all together. They screw you over and then screw someone else.  Rick, and everyone.

I can't believe that he said he loved me and then slept with his ex-wife. After all he had said about her, slating her off, how she betrayed him, left him with nothing, ripped his heart out and left him... and then I find them this morning in our bed. Well, she was under it. I can't believe he didn't say anything. I can't believe he lied. I was in a good mood today, I thought that Rick and I were going to have a romantic afternoon, perhaps tucked up in bed, watching a film and eating snacks together, but obviously he'd rather sleep with his ex-wife and leave me in the cold.

She was welcome to him for all I cared....

That Riccardo Alonso smile had all the ladies drooling. He just had to turn his head and flash those pearly whites and everything would be forgotten. I knew, I had fallen for it twice already. There was just something about Riccardo Alonso that made you catch your breath. He exuded power and he knew exactly how to use it.

He was a scholar, went to college, studied law, so he knew his stuff and could impress you with answers to quick fire questions on the spot. Another thing with Rick is that he had a degree in winning over the ladies. That smile, that gentlemanly demeanour.... he could have any woman in his bed in a second. Probably why Sofia fell for him again.

I was such an idiot.

All that time, where he said he was on meetings, business trips.... he was with her. Cosied up in her bed, probably laughing at how stupid I was.... Him.. and her. Even though they had been married, it still made my skin crawl, knowing I was sleeping with him whilst he was sleeping with her...


Was it wrong that I missed him? It'd only been a few hours since I'd stormed to my apartment, slamming the door and picking up my phone to leave a message for my beloved.

"Hello sweetheart," I hissed down the phone, "Just ringing to let you know that it's over between us. I don't want anything to do with you. Seeing as you were so enthusiastic about our wedding, I'll give you the responsibility of ringing all of our guests to tell them that the wedding is off. I wish you every happiness in the world with Sofia. Seriously, you guys make a brilliant couple, I saw that when I walked in. Be sure to tell darling Sofia that her hide and seek skills were amazing. Anyway darling, have a nice life. All my hate, always. Kimberley."

I pressed End Call and smashed the phone against the wall where it proceeded to shatter against the wooden flooring.

I collapsed against the floor and cried.

How could he do this to me?


I punched my fist against the wall.

Idiot! Now pain was surging through the whole of my arm and it was throbbing and swelling violently.

I opened the drawer and grabbed a bandage wrapping it around my arm, fixing it in place to stop the pain. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and gasped.

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