"Well, let's train, come on!" Neji said. "In this area?" I say quietly. "Yup." Neji-san said.

"N-neji..." I whisper.

"Hm?" He looks at me, my head is down looking at my feet again. "I..I..want you to teach me your 8 trigrams palms or maybe your rotation jutsu..."

"Hn, show me what you got." Neji says, "BYAKUGAN!"

Neji has his Byakugan on. "Ririsu!" I yell. My green eyes turn a light purple and I quickly warn, "look away!" Neji closes his eyes, "hn, the Ririsu, only adapted by the Tamashi clan."

"W-well, wouldn't it be harder to fight with your eyes closed..." I say quietly. "I can fight with my eyes closed, not a problem." I see Neji pull out the silver and gold kunai I gave him. "Y-your not gonna use that kunai on me, are you?" I sort of flinch when he opens his eyes. I cancel my ririsu.

"You use it." He hands it to me. "T-thanks..." I whisper.

2 and a half hours of training later..

" Chikyu no sutairu: Mokusei no panchingu-jutsu!" (Earth style: Wood Punching jutsu!)"rocks start falling from the grass. The rocks forming a giant hand looking like it's gonna punch the enemy. Then th-" I stop talking, I wanted to see if Neji can do it!

"Nothing I can't handle." Neji says as he jumps back. The rock punched the ground. Smoke covers the little rocks flying. "Maybe you could do be-" Neji gets interrupted when he sees the rocks had turn into kunai's with paper bomb on them. They all come left and right, and I'm in front.

As I see the paper bombs explode, I hadn't seen him move yet!

When the explosion is gone, no Neji. He might be under me, above me, or around me! I quickly use my ririsu and see some Chakra. It points right. I look right, and see Neji walk toward me.

"Neji, are you okay?" I call out. Neji is now running toward me, and I see a kunai in his hand. I sort of glare at him as I take my silver and golden kunai out...I don't know, YN, should I really use this on a comrade? I think to myself.

I take it out of my weapon bag and I go into a parry stance. He might use his trigram palms on me, so I need to be prepared. I put my kunai back in my weapon bag.

"Chikyu no sutairu: Soriddogantoretto no jutsu..." (Earth style: Solid Gauntlet Jutsu!) I whisper. My hands transform into brown, rock solid gauntlets, it's possible to break fingers with these.

When Neji is close enough, I quickly punch him, but he blocks. I jump back quickly so he can't do his jutsu on me. "I'm pretty impressed." Neji said. I didn't know if that was a compliment or not, but then I got an idea.

I try punching him again, he blocks, then I grab his shoulders and perform my Ririsu. Neji was too late to close his eyes, his Byakugan was automatically canceled.

I was going to jump, when he grabbed my leg somehow and slammed me to the ground! "What the.." I got cut off, when I get caught in the trigram jutsu. "Damn..." I say in my mind.

"8 trigrams 8 palms!" Neji said.

"8 trigrams 16 palms!" He strikes me again, and this time, I put my gauntlets over my chest, hoping I don't get hurt to much.

"8 trigrams 24 palms!"

"32 palms!"

"64 palms!"

I fall to the ground, "you...are....stronger....than I thought." I say as I struggle to get up.

(NEJI: "Dammit, her gauntlets protected her from my jutsu..."

With my ririsu jutsu still on, Neji has drained 2.5/4 of his Chakra.

"Chikyu no sutairu: Mokusei no panchingu-jutsu!" I yell, using my rock hand again. This time, the hand instantly smashes to the ground, and Neji rolls away from it. The paper bombs goes flying!

"Rotation jutsu!" the paper bombs fire turns into nothingness.

"ENOUGH!" Gai Sensei gets between us, and along is Tenten. "Your training is done, how did YN and Neji do?"

Neji-san and I are both panting, "Neji....is very strong....and powerful, he's an acceptional teammate." I say to him as I smile at Neji.

"YN did well." Neji smiles back.

"Before you kill each other, you may leave now! Tomorrow we have a mission!" Gai bows and does his thumbs up.


As Neji walks, I speed up to him. "H-hey, Neji?" I say quietly. He looks at me, "hm?"

"Do you think I can walk home with you?"

Well guys, 1420 words to be exact! That's why I said the chapter is longer! YN vs Neji. Who do you think won? I wanna hear from you! Anyway, I hoped you liked this long chapter! It took 40 minutes to do this whole chapter! That's to much for me! Hehe.


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