Chapter 3-Cruise Gone Wrong

Start from the beginning

“Um….don’t get compliments a lot I see.” I look up and notice Jared blushing at me.

“Well….no not really.” It’s my turn to blush.

“Look Em, I’m not going to say to tell me because that didn’t quite work out well earlier. What I am gonna say is that….I’m not calling you beautiful just for some pick up line. You really are beautiful. And any girl would want to be you. Any boy would want to be with you. And any parent would want to see your face everyday.” He reaches over and cups my cheek with his hand.

I look down, kind of embarrassed. I move his hand away. “Yeah right. My dad has never been excited to see me. Probably because his little bitch Regina is wearing the shortest skirt in the world.”

“Who’s Regina?” He tilts his face at me.

And for the next hours we pour our lives out to each other. These are the few moments when I feel content with myself. I laugh at all the funny things he says about Regina, calling here a - and I quote - prissy bitch with more ass than IQ.

Hours pass and we soon are sitting on the same chair since it got windy and I started getting cold. We fall asleep and I go to a place where nothing matters.

I wake up, soaking wet. What the hell? I hear thunder and dart up in my chair to see a bunch of people shouting and screaming. The cruise ship is rocking back and forth and I look at Jared who is still dead asleep. I shake him awake and his reaction is the same as mine.

“What the hell?” He shouts over the pouring rain. “What’s going on?!”

“I don’t know!” I shout over the rain. “I’m gonna go check on Lizzie and Sierra to see what’s going on.” I hurry to the ground floor, only to find it covered in water, an inch above my knees. I rush to my room, my breathing becoming heavy. I unlock the door with my room key. The room is deserted but all our stuff is there. I grab our bags which is hard because being in water slows you down. Jared comes in.

“What’s taking so long?” He shouts nervously.

“Oh I don’t know, maybe since we’re in water? Oh shucks. That can’t be it, can it now?” I ask, annoyed.

“Shut up, will you?!” He shouts. We were both frustrated and the rain is pouring above us wasn’t any help. We could barely hear each other. He turns to grab another bag and that’s when I see he has a Nike bag slung across his back.

“That’s all you packed for a five day trip?” I ask, astonished by how small of that is.

“Hey, I’m not like you girls who have to pack so much like you’re going to Africa or something.”

I roll my eyes and grabbed the last bag. “Let’s go!” We hurry up the stairs but we find that no one’s there.

“Where is everyone?” We look off in the distance to see life boats rushing to the opposite way we were going.

“Um….” I don’t have an answer to this one. I drop the bags and tell Jared to watch them. I go up to the captain’s quarters, banging on the door.

“Hello?!” But it’s open….and deserted. My heart races. Maybe it’s how the cruise ship is swaying or how it’s pouring rain or that waves are extremely high. Or maybe it’s because I’m scared we’re in trouble.

I run up to the deck. “Jared! We need to leave now! Jared! Jared, are you listening?!” But Jared’s looking at something in the distance. I follow his gaze and see the biggest wave I’ve ever seen in my life.

“It’s a….hurricane?!” I scream. I hurry and grab the bags, rushing down to the lower deck. Jared grabs a couple bags and is hot on my heels.

We look for lifeboats but can’t find any. I see something in the distance, miles and miles away. Motor Boats, lifeboats….Everyone’s leaving. I stand on top of the railing. “Help! Wait for us! Please! Please, don’t leave us! Please, I’m begging you! Wait!” I scream at the top of my lungs, knowing it won’t be heard over the roar of the monstrous waves. My shouts soon turn to wails.

“Look! A lifeboat! It’s not blown up!” I hurry over to it, getting on the lowest deck of the ship. I blow up the lifeboat and close the compartment.

Jared puts the bags on the boat. I look for the paddles. The rain picks up it’s pace. “I can’t find the paddles.” Jared is already sitting on the boat, lying down in it. It’s starts drifting off due to the waves.

“Amelia!” He gets up and reaches out to me but he’s too far. I cry out to him. The wave in this distance is close. I take steps back and jump, getting on the boat.

“What about the paddles?!” I shout at him.

“Fuck those!” And we drift off to wherever the waves take us….

“I’m hungry….” Jared groans.

“We’re in the middle of fucking nowhere and all you could think about is food?!” I just woke up from a nap that cost me loads of nightmares.

“What can I say? I’m human.” I groan and rest my head in my hands. I squint and see the outline in the distance. “Hey, look!” I scream.

He sits up and cheers, putting his hands in the water and splashing them towards the island.

We both do the action for about an hour before coming up to it. We jumped off when we were close enough and pulled the lifeboat to the sand. I could just smell the fresh air. Well anything other than that disgusting sea smell. My flip flops can be heard throughout the island. It’s vacant.

“Well, we should probably set up camp or something.” I looked over to see Jared next to me, lifeboat in hand but it’s been deflated.

I groan. Why am I stranded with this stupid player?



Thank you for all the people that have read the book! I've had Coffee Crazed longer than this and this already has over 60 reads. Not as much as CC: Picture Perfect but what the heck! I love it! Thank you all for supporting me and everything! Please fan, comment, and....wait I have a slogan for that :p




No cursing in this one! Yay!

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