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  The guard escorted me to my room in complete silence. I kept falling behind because I was looking around. The guard stopped and two servants whom were standing at the set of double doors opened them. I thought that I was in a crazy dream. The room was absolutely stunning. The walls were a deep crimson color. There was marble trim all around. A queen size bed stood in the center with golden silk sheets. Against the far wall was an armoire made out of dark cherry wood. Then I saw a balcony. The view from it was amazing. I could see all of Asgard.
  " Well it looks like it went well for you." Kida said while entering the room.
  I turned around and smiled at her. She reminded me of my little sister with her spunk and my best friend with the bright smile. Through everything so far she felt as if she was the only person I could talk to.
  " Loki asked me to be your body guard. He saw how we interacted with each other and saw that I was a good match for you." Kida stated.
   " Can I ask you a question about Loki?" I asked Kida.
  Her smile faded into a serious expression. She sat on the bed and patted to a spot next to her. I walked over to her and sat next to her.
  " What would you like to know about him?" Kida asked
  " Has he always been like this?" I asked
  Kida took a deep breath and began her answer
  " Many thousands of years ago a battle between Asgardians and Frost Giants ensued. Odin, Thor's father found Loki abandoned and left to die. He was the son of Laufey. Odin took him in as his own son, but never told him of his heritage. He grew up in the shadow of Thor's greatness.
  On Thor's coronation the frost giants attacked Asgard. Thor, Loki, and the Warriors Three went to Joutemhim to confront them. When a frost giant grabbed Loki instead of him freezing he turned into a frost giant. He confronted Odin about it when he was banishing Thor for his actions. Odin went into odionsleep and Loki was the rightful heir to the throne, but he was overturned by Thor. The rest of the story you know."
  When the story was told to me I had a whole new perspective on him. Instead of seeing him as evil I now saw him as misunderstood, broken and hurt man who only wants love. We were all wrong about him.
  " You know, I think you can change him back to the Loki we knew before. Your personality can lead him out of the darkness and I know that won't give up on him." Kida stated.
  Kida then walked out of my room and closed my door. All I was left with the thoughts of Loki and how I could change him.

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