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We sat there in silence as they replayed the whole battle from beginning till the last avenger died. No one dared to speak a word.
" Juliet, can you promise me something?" Heidi asked
I turned to her and listened
  " Can you promise me that no matter what happens no matter where we go that you'll always be my friend and the sister I never had?"
  I looked at her and I felt as if this may be the one of the last times I would talk to her.
  " I promise, when this is all over I'll tell the story of Heidi the hero." I replied
  Heidi then did something she never did before. She hugged me. She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight. I returned the gesture. I buried my face into her shoulder and she did the same to me. I remember the day we met and how we became instant friends. She was always there for me in the best of times and the worst of times. I remembered all the dreams we had and the secrets we kept.
" Maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe he'll leave us be." I suggested
Heidi looked into my eyes and said " Juliet, I don't know how but your the only bright sided person in this world of emo people."
I chuckled and replied " Well someone has to be."
We then began to laugh. It was times like these that kept me strong. We laughed so hard that our sides and stomachs killed us and tears stung our eyes. We then remembered the past memories of when nothing mattered. The times when reality was a universe away. These memories then made us depressed. How we longed for summer days and warm summer nights. We both then fell asleep in each other's arms.

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