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  While I was in my sadness I heard a soft voice.
  " I'm so sorry for your loss." A female guard whispered.
This guard was dressed like the other guards. She had smooth olive skin and hair as black as night and bangs that went across her forehead. Her eyes were a dark chocolate brown. I would have to admit that she was much more beautiful than I.
  " We must be on our way to Asgard before anything else bad happens." She stated
  I got up and we walked deep into the field. I decided to try to spark up a conversation to dispel some of the tension between us.
  " So what's your name?" I asked with curiosity
  " My name is Kida. No need to tell me yours. We had a list of people we needed to get." Kida replied
  " What's Asgard like?" I asked
  With a smirk on her face she said
" You'll find out soon enough."
  We stopped on the middle of the field and Kids yelled to the sky"Hemindall, to Asgard!"
  There was a moment of silence, then we were consumed by a blinding light. I closed my eyes tightly so the light wouldn't hurt my eyes. When I opened them we were inside a large golden dome.
  " Well how did you like your first trip on the Bifrost Juliet?" Kida asked sarcastically.
  Hello Kida, glad to have you back here. I see you brought Juliet with you." A booming voice welcomed that I assumed to be Hemindall's. 
  She gave him a nod and a softly asked her
" How does he know my name?"
" He knows the names of all beings in the nine realms." Kida answered.
  We exited the dome to come in front of two horses, one had white hair and blue eyes and one was black with green eyes that had gold flecks in them.
   "Aren't you gonna get on the horse?" Kida asked while on the white horse.
  I took a deep breath and got on the horse. This was gonna be fun for sure.

Love of a god Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz