Chapter 9

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(Ethan's P.O.V<Mel's dad>)

As me and Rose are walking back to our apartment with all the goods we scored on the black market, we start to go through the ally between our apartment and the warehouse where we did our trade. We're half way through the long ally way when we hear a blood curdling cackle.

I whip around to see the mad man that stole my daughter away from me for 3 years.

"Joker" I hear Rose say his name like it disgusts her, which it probably does, I know it disgusts me."What do you want?" I scream to him. All he does is cackle again before pulling out a gun and pointing it at my head.

In a dangerously low tone he answers "I want to make that little wretch pay for screwing up my plans to kill Batman and for escaping when I still needed her as my pet. And I'm going to get what I want by putting a bullet through both of your heads." He then cackled like the maniac that he is, moved his arm towards Roses and...


Rose crumpled to the ground. A pool of blood forming around were he shot her in the head.

"NO" I cried out. Before I could get to her I felt the cold metal of the gun against my temple. As a tear ran down my cheek he started his psychotic cackle.

"That shot was for fun, this one is for revenge on you and your daughter. You because you never did what I asked of you three years ago, now won't your daughter love to hear the reason she was my pet was because her daddy disobeyed, and your daughter for ruining my plans to kill batman and escaping me, I was having fun." I sneered. "The reason you took my baby girl away from me is because I didn't do your dirty work" I said in a low tone. "And I don't know why not either you do everyone else's dirty work.""I do small jobs I don't however help maniacs wipe out half of Gotham city."I growled."Meh your loss." Right after I heard him cock his gun and the last thing I heard was that maniacs laugh as the bullet tore through my skull.

My last thought being I have ruined my baby girls life.


(Robin's P.O.V)

Me and batman didn't have to look very long or hard at all for the joker cause you could hear his laugh from a mile away. Then we suddenly hear...


We're too late. I see a man crumple to the ground next to a woman and I hear the jokers crazed laugh as he walks away from the body's."STOP RIGHT THERE JOKER" Yelled Batman's gruff voice as we swung down from the roof top we had been perched on. While he kept Joker busy I ran over to the two people he had shot to try and get an idea why.

Gasping when I saw it was Rose and Ethan Brown. Mel's parents are dead on the ground in front of me and it only reminds me of the night my parents fell before my eyes I can only think thank god Mel isn't here.

"Robin who are they?"Batman said in a slightly worried voice from behind me. I turned around and Batman had the joker in cuffs and on his knees in front of Batman. The madman looked pretty beat up. I look up at batman and say "Rose and Ethan Brown" I see his eyes soften right before there filled with rage again he punches Joker again and lifts him up to eye level again.

"Why, Why did you kill them?!?!?!?!" Batman screams with rage. Joker laughs before saying"because that little brat deserves it and because Ethan over there still hadn't done what I asked of him." his smile is so wide it's painful to look at"and what did ask him to do for you Joker?"Batman asked his voice with with anger "Ah ah ah Batsy that's for me too know and for you too find out."he then starts cackling uncontrollably again right before batman is 100% done with this maniac. He punches him in the jaw one last time rendering him unconscious. We tied him up and called the police and left.

When we got back to the Batcave I was pooped so I went straight to bed only to have my dreams filled with nightmares of the night I lost my parents.


Another update sorry this ones kind of late I got really busy with visiting my sister when she had an emergency and was sent to the ER she was fine and they then took me home only for me to turn around and go to and over night band camp were I was just so tired every night (and wifi was horrible) I just never got the chance to write then there was then week of docters appointments and orthodontists appointments and UNPACKING that this is the first time I've been able to sit down and write.


Don't worry the story will pick up in a few chapters......PLEASE vote comment and follow me I love feedback


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