Chapter 5

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(Mel's P.O.V)

"Wait what the hell do you mean I'm supposed to be dead?!?"I screamed in frustration."you disappeared three years ago with no leads the case went cold and they closed it last year" batman explained. Remember I'm only 12 and I haven't seen my mom or dad in three years and I'm injured and I have know idea where I am, so it is understandable that I... Started crying. They let me and I'm grateful for that.

After a few moments I looked up and stuttered " I-I w-w-want m-my mo-mom." They looked at each other again. I think why do they keep doing that? Being the smart mouth I am I said "Why the hell do you keep looking at each other it's like your having a telepathic conversation?""but miss Martin isn't even here"Robin said as a matter of factly. "Who!?"I said annoyed."not important right now, we have to take you to the police first so they can call your parents." Batman said calming me down a little bit.

"Fine."I said weakly tears starting to fall again.They led me over to the batmobile. We drove towards the teleporter thing Robin came from earlier and we were engulfed in white light. Then after a few seconds the light went away and we were in an ally driving onto main road towards GCPD.

Once we got there, Batman told Robin to stay in the batmobile, to which he complained but after a minute of arguing agreed. We got out of the batmobile and walked through the front door batman passed right by the officers in there and went to an office that had "Commissioner" written on the door he walked right in with me behind him and said "Gordon I found her." He looked up from his desk and asked "who?"" Mel Brown the girl who went missing three years ago"he said flatly pointing to me.

His eyes widened and he looked at me"this is her?" I decided to speak up"Well duh do I look like boy wonder?"I asked he looked shocked but shook his head then picked up the phone and started saying something but before I could catch it batman took me aside.

"I'm leaving for now but if you need me or Robin use this"he handed me a phone with a black case that had the bat insignia on it,before continuing"it will only work to contact me and Robin no one else."

And with that he left. I turned around right as the commissioner put the phone down."well Mel I have contacted your parents as well as missing people's department you can go home after your parents show up and you answer some questions, ok?""yeah ok"I said back"you can sit down in here for now."he said with sympathy dripping from his voice. I was so tired and I pain I didn't even reply I just sat down and stared of in to space before I heard my mothers voice.

"MEL OH MY GOSH YOUR ALIVE"she screamed as she ran towards me with her arms out."MAMA"I screamed back as we embraced each other and fell to the floor I was sobbing and she was too. Then I felt another set of arms wrap around me and I looked up and saw my dad I sobbed even harder as he lifted me of the ground into his arms."DADDY,MAMA IM SO SORRY"

My dads voice was soothing as he spoke "Mel it wasn't your fault were just glad your alive"my mom then wrapped her arms around both of us and we continued to sob for a few minutes. When my dad finally put me down my mother wouldn't let go of me. My dad talked to the commissioner and he told my dad they would have to ask me a few questions. My dad said ok. We sat down and the commissioner got out his pen.

"Ok Mel do you know who your kidnapper was?"

"It was the Joker"they all looked at me shocked my parents then looked at each other,hm I'll have to ask them about that later,the commissioner went on."Do you know why?"

"He called me his pet,but other than that I have no clue why?"

"Is that the reason the Batman brought you in did the Batman save you?"

"No"I then told them the story from the beginning from when I woke up to when the batman left though I left out the part about the phone that was something for me and Batman and Robin.

They were shocked. The commissioner then said I should probably go to a hospital and my parents agreed we left and went to the hospital and checked in. In all this time my mom wouldn't let go of my hand she only let go to let me change in to the hospital gown but she still had to help me cause of my ribs when she saw the bandages she gasped and asked"how did you get the bandages on your stomach ,why do you have bandages on your stomach?" I must've left out the part about my ribs"fighting the joker he broke my ribs."she hugged me again and cried more and I did too. We went out after a minute and the doctor told me to sit down. My mom told her about my head and ribs and the doctor did a check up and a physical exam.

"She has a miner concussion and bruises on 75% of her body,scar tissue on 20% of her body,she's extremely under weight for someone her age and height and that's what I can tell you with out an x-Ray and it looks like you were recently choked?"She then look at her clip board and gasped and looked up at me"your that girl on the news."she said shocked. Dang it's already on the news? Well ok then I thought and I nodded.

She looked at my parents and told then I would need x-rays but that wouldn't be ready until tomorrow so I would have to spend the night but that they would bring in cots so that my parents could stay with me and left the room.

My dad looked at me and said"your exhausted you need to get some sleep he said taking me to the bed and tucking me in. My mom and dad both kissed me on the head and said I love you and goodnight.

I said goodnight and I love you back right before drifting to sleep.


Wow It took me like three hours to write this and it's nice and long so that makes up for the last short chapter. Bye!

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