Once I've changed into my pyjamas I drag my feet over to my bed. I pull back the covers of the nicely made bed and slide in between the warm sheets. The bed is comfy and soft so it's no wonder how I got to sleep so quickly.


My eyes flutter open to a bright light streaming into the train room. I could have sworn those curtains were closed last night. I look around and see an unfamiliar woman in my room.

She has long thick hair that is dip-dyed the colors of the rainbow and she has an average figure that is shown by her fitting black dress. The woman is looking through my clothes and pulling some things out of my suitcase.

I calmly clear my throat so that the intruder knows I'm awake. When the woman hears she turns around and smiles brightly at me. I notice that she has a young looking face that has bright blue eyeshadow and long blue eyelashes. The woman's pale face makes her blue lips stand out.

"Hello. I'm Cleopatra. We didn't get the chance to meet at the games this year but I'm the stylist for Twelve." She smiles brightly but I can tell that deep down she hates having to work with our district.

"H-hi, I'm Bridget." I tell her.

"I know. Now I've set you out some clothes so go and change into them. When you've changed I'll start on your hair and makeup." Cleopatra tells me as she leaves the room.

I slip out of my pajamas and into the clothes that the stylist chose. I'm wearing a pair of dark grey skinny jeans and a light grey long sleeved tight t-shirt and a pair of high heeled black ankle boots. I'm wearing a long silver necklace with pearls placed around the chain and I have a matching bracelet around my wrist.

When I call Cleopatra back into my room she has me sit in a chair in the large bathroom. The stylist curls my hair into romantic curls down my back so that my long hair looks elegant. She takes two pieces of hair that are at the side of my face and she twists them and pins them back. Cleopatra turns the chair around and swiftly brushes makeup across my face so before I know it she has done my natural looking makeup.

"Thank you." I smile at her.

"No problem. Your father instructed me to make you look as simple as possible." She nods back with a small smile. "Personally I think you'd look much better in the latest Capitol Couture dress with matching green eyeshadow, lipstick, and highlights in your hair but thats not my choice."

"Oh. I'm sure it looks lovely anyway." I tell her politely.

"Yes. Well we should be arriving in the Capitol any time now so brush your teeth and put this lipstick on." The stylist tells me as she hands me a natural-ish looking dark kind of pink lipstick.

I do as I'm told and thoroughly brush my teeth. When I've finished with my teeth I slide the lipstick over my lips and rub them together. Done!

I walk back into my room and see the black peplum coat that has been laid out for me. I slip into the coat and button up the buttons down the middle of the coat and wrap the black infinity scarf around my neck. I also pull on a pair of black gloves. When I've put my stuff on I pull out my necklace so that it's on show.

"Bridget we are pulling into the station." Effie calls from outside my door.

"Okay, coming." I tell her as I skip out of my room.

My spirits rise by 100% as I join my dad and my district's escort off the train. I immediately search the train bays and find that we are the first ones here unfortunately. It was to be expected though because the Victory Tour is still on and 12 is first so we get done first. I don't think 11 will arrive until tomorrow.

Effie reminds Haymitch and I that we have an interview with Caesar ASAP so we need to get to the training center. We all travel in silence there. It's not even a comfortable silence or an awkward silence; it's an annoyingly painful silence because neither Haymitch nor I want to do this stupid interview but we have to.

It feels like hours until we finally reach the training center when in reality it was probably about 20 minutes. I inwardly groan when Haymitch and I reach the lobby where the interview with Caesar, whom couldn't wait, will take place. I spot the man in his colorful attire sitting in the corner of the room.

"Hello Caesar." I chirp in fake joy.

"Hello Abernathy crew." Caesar chirps back as my father and I sit on a plush sofa across from the man. "How's it to be back in the Capitol?"

"Oh it's wonderful knowing I'll be able to see the people I've missed for the passed few months." I smile.

"It's nice knowing my daughter will have a-" Haymitch starts but I slap his arm and glare at him and he only chuckles at me.

"Okay, so how did your part of the Victory Tour go?" Caesar asks my father.

"It went well. With Finnick's inappropriate jokes and the new victor being all shy around the other victors." Haymitch smirks.

"Finnick makes inappropriate jokes? To whom?" The interview asks.

"My daughter." My father says simply and I gasp with a smile.

"He does not! Don't say that!" I chuckle.

"On to a different topic. You were close to your tribute's sister. How was she when you got back?" Caesar asks me as he quickly changes the subject.

I'm caught off guard for a few seconds but I regain my composure quickly and paste a smile on my face. "She was okay. She took it hard but she was strong and powered through it."

"She seems like a tough young girl." Caesar smiles at me.

"She is." I agree with a genuine smile.

The rest of the interview carries on as normal. Caesar asks about gossip and Haymitch and I comment on it. It's nothing new to be blatantly honest so the interview flies by.

Later on in the day Effie makes us sit down and eat dinner but I reject the offer politely. I just really wanted to sleep because I was tired and it'd make tomorrow come faster. I tell both of my elders that I'm tired so I go back to the room I had last year and quickly change into some pajamas and slide into bed. I fall asleep quickly.


I wake up to the sun streaming into my bedroom. I glance at the clock beside my bed and see its already 8:15am so I get up and grab some clothes. I pull out a pair of light wash skinny jeans with a jeans shirt and a creamy colored sweater that has holes on the shoulders.

I go into the bathroom and run the shower so it warms up. I sleepily brush my hair through before stepping into the water spray. I hit a few buttons to adjust the water and pressure but I get comfortable eventually. After I've scrubbed down I step out and dry myself off and wrap a different towel around my head.

I throw on my clothes and make sure that the collar of the shirt is out at the top of the sweater and the bottom of the shirt is also out. I pull on a pair of black lace up boots and I dry my hair before I put it into a messy bun. I put on my makeup with a slight change up to black liquid eyeliner so I can do wings and I put on a bright red lipstick.

I'm finally ready so I skip to the kitchen and grab a half a piece of toast and scarf it down. I practically run into the elevator and slam my finger down on the 'VL' button. The elevator shoots downwards and opens up on the lounge. I smile as I see that Haymitch has two cups of coffee in front of him.

"Hey dad." I greet him brightly.

"Morning sweetheart. Got you some coffee." My dad replies.

"Thank you." I smile brightly as I sit on a couch next to him and sip the coffee.

I check my watch after about another five minutes of silence. It's only 8:55am. I still have another four hours until 11 get here...

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