The Coincidence

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Brittany tiredly fluttered her eyes open, well compared earlier she felt a lot better. Luckily her head doesn’t feel like someone was hammering some portrait on it or something, she rubbed her nose by her balled fist as it still waters like a river.

She heaved a sigh as she tried to calm her chest when Santana’s last words hit her like a fucking cold shower. Admitting that she’s startled when she heard the brunette released those words automatically made her heart flutter, her head spin, and the butterflies to swim and fly inside her stomach. This can’t be happening right?

Brittany’s over her, that’s what she said, that’s what she should be saying, and that’s what she should be showing. But right now? What she just felt it totally screams ‘I still love you, Santana. I still do.’ and that’s what makes everything worse and not going in the right way. The plan is going down and that can’t happen!

Oh well maybe let’s say that she’s still in love with Santana, but the rage and the anger that has been dwelling in her chest made things blurry. The love she felt made things blurry!

She momentarily closed her eyes as the Latina’s voice continued playing. If Santana still loves her, then why she left? Why? Hundreds of why’s. She just needed a reason! Explanations! And she’ll make sure to make things just like before. Just like before.

“Thank god you’re up, I wonder what Santana did to you and you’re still dead asleep.” Quinn bolted inside the other blonde’s room as she automatically slumped down beside Brittany grabbing the remote as she looked for something to watch. “Feel better?” she asked, Brittany just nodded in response as she mirrored her best friend’s smile.

Brittany propped her elbow and adjusted her seat to snuggle beside Quinn, the other blonde placed her arm by Brittany’s shoulder and rubbed her best friend’s arm soothingly.

“Why did you let her take care of me?”

“Oh trust me, she almost burned the whole studio down when she knew that you’re sick and she almost killed me for not giving her my home keys.”

And now that’s Santana.

Brittany bit her lower lip for it was twitching to form a goof smile for she can actually imagine the brunette yelling and having a panic attack when she knew that she was sick. She just heaved a deep sigh, her congestion easing off. Her best friend just continued watching TV as she can feel that her eyes droopily closed and the whole world was again shutting off.


“Britt, are sure you can do it?” Quinn asked eagerly.

“Hell yes. I mean… I hate that stuff you made me take but it’s sort of worth it because I feel brand new. Thanks Quinn.” Brittany cheered as she fixed everything she needed for the shoot.

Tina called earlier that one of the blondes should be there in the venue to take over. It was sort of big shoot but Tina said that it can be handled alone, so. And the Asian badly needed someone to accompany her in a bigger event back in the studio.   

“Did Tina tell you what kind of shoot was that?” Brittany asked whilst placing another tripod by the door, the other blonde just shook her head in response. “Nope, she just said that it was an open shoot, so.”

“Oh, then I’ll be needing more reflectors.” She mumbled before grabbing another pair of light reflectors by the cabinet.

Thank God, by the moment she opened her eyes this morning she felt way way better than yesterday, she still have a cold, yes. But it can be handled. And she really has to thank Santana for taking care of her yesterday.

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