The Camera

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Enjoy (:  

The shadowy ray of the sun sipping through the window woke Brittany up. She adjusted her eyes to the sudden brightness and fluttered her eyes open, she took a glance at her nightstand and saw that it's barely 6 in the morning it's not that this would be the first time that she would woke up this early and saw herself covered with sweats or her pillow would be wet because of tears. This time it's different, no nightmares and no more nights filled with sobs, she just woke up.  

She placed her forearm by her forehead and stared at the ceiling blankly as she let herself lost in her thoughts. Quinn's right, Santana is going to look for her. She can't believe the idea that Santana simply appeared out of nowhere and act as if nothing happened. She even told her that they're just friends. For god sake! Friends? They were together for about 3 years and a half and she's just going to say that they're just friends? Jesus!  

Pretending that she has amnesia is not that the best excuse to escape the fact that she's afraid and terrified to meet and see Santana once again, she sighed deeply at the thought of the brunette leaving her no choice.  

Brittany propped her elbow and leaned her back against her headboard as she kept her knees touching her chest. She's scared that she has to communicate and see Santana once again, there she admitted it. She can feel the same nervousness and tension that flows through her veins just like the moment afore Santana left her by the altar with all tears. She knew that Santana loved her, the Latina always told her that, and she believed her. That's why she kept asking herself why. Why Santana would do that? Why Santana would leave her? Why Santana didn't even called her that she's safe and give a proper explanation? Brittany can feel the coiling of anger in her chest like it was began to throb as a lot more questions appeared in her mind.  

She knew Santana, she loved the girl! Love-d! Past tense! And she will keep it like that.  

"So what's your plan?" Quinn mumbled as she took a sip of her coffee afore looking at Brittany questioningly. 

"I don't know." Brittany shrugged and managed to answer between chews of her cereal. Honestly, she has no idea what she was doing all she know is that by this she can make Santana suffer.  

"You're kidding, right?" Quinn retorted as she knit her brows together looking at her best friend gaining a shrug as a response. "Brittany, you can't be serious." The other blonde added as she shook her head continuously afore emptying her cup. 

"Guess what Q, I'm freaking serious." Brittany mumbled matter-of-factly receiving a deep breath from her best friend. "Q, I love you and everything, but please... just trust me, okay?" Brittany said lowly as she look for Quinn's hazel orbs afore stretching her arms to place her hand over Quinn's and giving it a little squeeze and the other girl smiled weakly in response. 

"I just don't want you to get hu-" 

"I know, you already told me that for the hundredth time." Brittany chuckled. "And I need you to just go with it."  

"Fine. I'll just go with it, Okay." Quinn gave up. Brittany smiled widely she was a little startled when Rachel's voice rang all through the kitchen.  

"She's not here, is she?" Quinn immediately shook her head and literally ran by the counter where her phone is lying, Brittany on the other hand let out fit of giggles as she saw Quinn talking to her girlfriend on the other line. She automatically straightened her seat when she saw Quinn finally dropped her phone back to the counter and head back towards Brittany.  

"You're so whipped." Brittany muttered as she kept herself from laughing. 

"I am not."  

"Yes you are. What? You're just so in love that you even put your ringtone as her recorded voice yelling 'Baby I'm calling'? Because all of that screams whipped to me Q." Brittany chuckled as she imitates Rachel's perky voice. 

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