The Game

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A/N: Another chapter people (: I hope I still caught your attention in this. 

"You just didn't do that." Quinn mumbled as she placed her hands on her temple looking at the other blonde in front of her impossibly. 

"I panicked." Brittany muttered lowly as she continued playing with her fingers. "I'm not even thinking straight." She added as she took a deep breath calming her chest. 

"You could've tackle or slap her the moment you see her. God!" 

"I'm not going to do that." 

"I know you wouldn't. But for the record, you told her that you don't know her, God Brittany! What do you expect me to say?" 

"I don't know." She kept her eyes closed she can feel her chest tightens. "Well maybe I won't see her ever again." 

"You don't know that, I pretty know Santana and I'm sure that she's going to look for you. I knew it!" 

"She will not! And whether she did I'm going to make sure she'll back off." Brittany almost yelled, she again sighed deeply afore placing her hand by her forehead, she's pretty sure she's going to have a headache. "I hate her Q. I really really do." 

Quinn too sighed deeply afore walking towards the other blonde putting her arms around Brittany giving it a little squeeze. "Sorry. I just don't want her to hurt you once again."  

"I know , and I will never ever let her. I promise." 

That's true, she hates Santana and she will do everything to let the brunette feel it.  

Brittany has been looking at the door blankly as she played with her pen to keep her hands busy. She has a lot of editing to do, but she can't even think straight and do nothing but look at the door blankly. She can hear Tina talking and mumbling something behind her as the sound of the keyboard continued.  

"Britt." Nothing.  

"Britt!" Nothing. That's what it takes for Tina to stand and walk towards Brittany. "Seriously, Britt are you even here?"  

Brittany's trance was disturbed when Tina continuously waved her hand in front of her. She took a deep breath and playfully rolled her eyes afore stepping away gaining a smirk from the small Asian.  

"Oh you're here. Good. I thought I was alone." Tina mumbled as she got back to her desk and continued editing pictures. "I think you need coffee, Britt. No offense but you look like... the most beautiful shit." 

Brittany stared at the other girl a little longer and remembered she haven't slept last night, the incident in the grocery shop kept on flashing back and the rage in her heart coils every time the brunette's voice played through her ears she can't just believe that Santana will appear out of nowhere. 

Plus she hasn't had any caffeine this morning for Quinn has been bugging her to go to the studio early to keep her away from those thoughts, which failed. She can't stop thinking about Santana and the fact that she's really mad at the brunette. "You're right. I definitely needed some. Tons actually." She nodded afore standing and heading to the small coffee table.  

She heard the chime jingled and followed by footsteps approaching the front desk where she sat. She heard Tina greeted the person and she didn't hear anything back, well maybe the person just smiled or something. Brittany shrugged and continued putting heap spoons of sugar on her cup, she was about to come out and ask Tina if she wants a cup of coffee herself when she heard another chiming from the door, indicating whether the person already went out or someone got in.  

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