Chapter 27: A Night Off

Start from the beginning

Gwen: Reading.

Luke: No like later.

Gwen: ...reading.

I hesitated typing first, thinking if it was really what I would do. And it was so I hit send.

Luke: After that!

Gwen: Probably still reading.

After I hit sent my phone was vibrating and Luke was calling.
Damn, I thought I would have peace and quiet tonight. I sighed and answered the call.

"You're impossible!" He exclaimed.

"I can't be impossible. I was conceived to this world. I think the word—" I started correcting him but he cut me off.

"I was looking for was improbable." he stated, mocking me.

"What would you need of my service, Luke?" I asked, getting impatient. I didn't really mind talking to Luke, I love his company and all, but I really want to read. And I wanted a night off of Luke.

"I asked you what you'll do tomorrow after school."

"I told you, I'll be reading." I said halfheartedly, I can basically imagine Luke in front of me, his eyes rolling. I reached out for my book and flipped it open.

"Do you want to know why I'm asking since your schedule tomorrow is pretty full?" He asked.

"Sure, whatever." I said, focusing on flipping the pages.

"Well, I wanted to hangout with you again."

I narrowed my eyes, furrowing my eyebrows and stopped flipping through pages.  Asking why he wanted to hangout with me again is dumb. Because I already know why he wanted to hangout with me.

My head's saying, "Duuh!! He wants to hangout with you because you're friends and wanted another day like what you two did yesterday. It's called hanging out, doofus! You are pretty familiar with it because you do it with Esme you dummy."

"Err, why so?" I teased. It made me sound like an idiot.

"I just want to. Is it needed to have a reason?" He asked, ever so slowly, teasing back.

My head screams: Yes.

I mean, there's always a plot behind it right? In every book I've read and movies I've watched, there's always a reason behind.

"Uhh... For the matter of fact, yes." I said, oddly nodding my head.

"Well then, if you insist for a reason—" his voice was interrupted because someone was calling me.

"Hold that thought," I said and put him on hold.

"Hello, good evening?" I greeted politely since I didn't look who was calling.

"Uhm," in the other line, it gulped. "Could I possibly talk to Gwen?" I identified the voice pretty quickly, it was Esme.

"Esme? It's Gwen!"

"Gods of Olympus!" she sighed. "Whenever you talk formal, you sound like a different person!" She stated frantically.

"I did?" I asked absently. "I just said, 'hello, good evening' how did I sound so different in three words?"

"Trust me, you did." She sounded sincere.

"Okay, I believe you." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Anyway," she said, longing the syllable 'way' that sounded like, anywaaaay. "On a scale of one to ten, with one being they shrug it off and ten being somebody's going to die, how well do you think James or Sirius would react if they heard somebody tauntingly whispering about Remus's scars?"

One thing you ought to know.

Yes, Esme and I are hardcore potterheads but we have this one
slight different thing between us. Whenever she opens a book or starts a movie, in the end, she returns to Hogwarts. She can't stop rereading or rewatching the Harry Potter franchise.

I, on the other hand, I love Harry and all but I could open and read a book and stay there. I belong to so many fandoms that I couldn't possibly pick one home. Every part of me belongs to every world that I discovered. I do have favorites though, it's just difficult to pick one or a top one.

"I'm guessing fifteen," I answered after considering her question in a minute. "But I probably could be underestimating them."

"Yeah," she chuckled slowly. I can imagine her imagining the situation. "You're probably right."

"Gwen, be honest with me, can I possibly be shipped with Ron?" She asked again.

This reminded me of old times. Yet really, the last time Esme calling me and talking about topics like this was just a day before I officially met Luke— officially meant was the time we shared when we were stuck in school. It only seemed like old times because Luke stole me away from Esme.

"I don't know, Esme, Ron is— oh bloody hell! LUKE!" I groaned, remembering Luke, who was waiting for me in the other line.

"Call me back at fifteen," I said and hung her up quickly that I didn't hear her protests.

"Hello, Luke?"

"..." There was silence in the other line.

"Uhh... Luke?" I hesitated. Maybe he forgot too.

"...fudge!..." I heard banging and Luke's muffled voice. "Jesus!..."

"Gwen?" His voice was finally loud.

"Yeah. So, you...?"

Damn it! How do you continue this conversation now?
Most of the times, we never run out of things to say to each other or having awkward goodbyes.

"Sorry if you heard me saying things. I fell asleep there and woke up with your voice screaming in my ears so I fell off my bed. What was I saying?"

"I apologize for making you wait long." I said, worried about him. "And causing you to fall of your bed. Why was my voice loud? And are you okay?"

"I was using my earphones talking to you and left it in my ears. And yeah, I'm okay." he shrugged off. "So what was I saying?"

"You were giving me your reason why you wanted to hangout with me," my face was scrunching and my voice was getting higher.

Note to self: Not good at teasing so do not engage to it again.

"Oh that," he said. "...I think I'm in love with you."


I have entered this book to the Wattys 2016, just ought you should know. Share this book to your friends and vote if you liked the chapter.

Fun Fact: I didn't intend to let that happen for this chapter. To be honest, it was kinda abrupt when I wrote this chapter. Chapter 27 was supposed to be what I wrote for Chapter 28 but there was gap so I wrote this chapter. I might not make sense, lol.

THANK YOU FOR READING!AND HELLO TO MY NEW READERS!! 😊😊 See you at the next chapter!


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