Chapter 15|Part 1: New Guy

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  "Books were safer than other people anyway." 

 ― Neil Gaiman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane

After my talk with Mr. Xander, the school's ring buzzed again. I headed towards my locker first— because my bag was heavier than usual —before my next period, World History. I wish I could shadow-travel there or apparate.

As I was walking, I saw Luke with a familiar blonde girl. I waved my hand up in the air, hoping that Luke will see me. It crushed my heart when he ignored me even though he saw me. I kept on walking further.

"Who cares?" I whispered, shrugging my shoulders, convincing myself. I heard a little voice in my head saying, "you do, stupid..."

When I reached my locker and unlocked it, the door didn't budge. Sometimes my locker does this. I had to struggle opening it. "Where was my wand when I needed it the most?" I asked myself, thinking I was a witch and I can just alohomora my locker. I put my binder and my book on the floor.

The moment it budged open, my body fell backwards into someone.

"I am so sorry!" I apologized quickly, not bothering to look who I fell into.

When I was getting off the person I fell to, laughs.

"It's fine. It's partially my fault too, I wasn't looking in the way," the person said.

I was struggling to stand up, but I managed to in the next minute. When I finally looked at the person I fell into, the first thing I noticed was the book in his hand. My eyes, still glancing at the boy's hand, because he was holding a favorite book of mine.

"Who..." the boy never finished his statement, his mouth hung open. His head flinched back in confusion of what I was looking at and I was just as dumbstruck. He looked like he was the same age as I am. His head was covered with a Yankee Cap, but I could see that he has black hair because it was reaching to the nape of his neck in gentle waves, brushed back away from his blue eyes.

"Sorry again," I said quickly. I dismissed the boy, not bothering to know who he is and collected my stuff on the floor.

I opened my bag and put behind five of my books in my locker and collected my History textbook. As I was doing that, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I reflexively whispered a shriek and turn my back.

"I'm sort of new here, mind telling me where room 559 is?" The boy who I fell into asked.

We have the same class?
Before I answered him, I strapped my bag in back again to test if it was lighter and it was.

"I'm heading there right now, do you want to walk with me or should I just direct you?" I asked, trying give a smile. I thought to just give him directions but he'll probably think I'm a snob if I do give him directions and he sees me in class later.

"Escort me, please?" He politely asked.

"This way then," I pointed the way. Damn it Gwen, why do you always have to be considerate? I closed my eyes and started walking, the boy followed behind.

"I'm Maxon," the boy introduced himself, swinging his arms a little bit when he was beside me and not behind.

"Gwen," I introduced back. Just to be polite. I don't really want to get to know him or anyone here at all. I just want to go back being nobody again.

"I just transferred here," he said. I wanted to say, I heard, but I just kept my mouth shut.

When we reached the room I mumbled softly, "here we are." and I parted my way, and went to sit on the chair, two blocks of chairs before it was the wall of the classroom.

I opened my bag and reached out for my binder, a pen, a textbook for this class, and a book to read. I opened my binder, splitting it into half and doing the same in the textbook. I put the textbook above the binder. I opened my book at the last page I left to and rested it above the textbook. I was about to read the first sentence until the new guy tapped my shoulder. He was sitting behind me. I groaned in frustration. Can't this guy take a break?

"Watcha' reading?" Maxon asked me halfhearted, when I looked back at him. He was waving his pen in side ways. I flipped my book, showing him the cover.

Thankfully after that, he left me alone. I was in paradise again. Until class started and someone knocked on door.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, Sir." the voice was so familiar to me. Our teacher said it was okay and nodded him to occupy the only chair that isn't occupied and that chair was beside me.

A/N: Short chapter, yes, but this is only part 1, part 2 will be uploaded within this week too so don't worry. Who do you think is the guy that was late? What do you think of Maxon? Luke sounded kind of like a jerk right? Who do you want to come back, Ron or *more* Luke or other characters? Tell me your thoughts in the comment section.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter and I'll see you in the next update!

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