Chapter 4: Distracted, the Lady is

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"It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them."

— Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

"My name is—" abruptly, a loud slam drilled our ears. "What was that?"

He looked at me for one second and then suddenly he ran fast, going near the noise.

Hesitatingly, I followed him. "You know, in horror movies, we don't go near the mysterious sound, we outrun them!" I told him, logically speaking.

He ignored me until we reached the source of the sound. As I've observed, the loud slam came from the building's door. 

"We're locked in." He said, absently.

I scowled at him. "That's where you got in here?" 

He nodded as an answer.

I huffed. "Well I used another entrance." I told him proudly.

"You did?" He asked in astonishment. He continued, "well, let's get out of here using your entrance, before we get snowed in."

"I like your thinking. You know where the broken back door is at the theater auditorium?"

He thinks first before nodding again. "Race you there."

Before I could even tell him I didn't want to run, he was already gone. I let out a sigh, a shrug and ran after him.

Not so surprised, he was already there when I got there. I was out of breath and I was glad that he didn't make a big deal about it. He reached the handle of the back door and tried to push the door into the outside, however it didn't budge.

"I didn't know that there was a blizzard." I said blankly.

He looked at me. "Me either."

That door was my only way out, so if that's jammed and the main doors too, I'm stuck here... with him.

"How long do you think we'll be stuck in here?" I uttered without looking directly at him. He shrugged as a reply. "Do you have a phone?"

The moment I asked him that, I saw his eyes sparkle. He quickly reached for his phone in his right back pocket. 

"So? Could you get us help?" I know that no one could really help us but I wanna be optimistic; I really need to get out of here and give my sister the envelope before dinner is over.

He shook his head and waves his phone up and down, "no signal."

"Scheisse!" He mumbled that sounded like shi-za. I was impressed, he knows how to cuss in German.

I know it was German because I once tried to learn how to speak in German and I encountered that word.

"Ergo, what do we do now?"

"We wait, I guess. Wait until the blizzard gets weak or moves on?"

"We can't! I need to get back home!" I panicked.

Luke tried to calm me, "don't worry, you won't be harmed, we'll just sit around and do nothing."

I didn't listen to him, I shook my head repeatedly. "You don't understand," I inhaled deeply and continued, "I need to go home!" 

It was difficult to breathe. Is this what they call a panic attack?

"Are you claustrophobic?"

"Not really."

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