Chapter 15

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Ok, so before this chapter starts I just want to say, sorry. I know I said I was going to update sometime last week, but I failed. So I'm so so sorry.
Other than that, I want to say thank you. For reading my story. I hope you liked it. And I hope you like this last chapter.
And if you were wondering: the reason why it took so long, is because I actually had no idea how I wanted it to end. I mean, I wrote a bunch of different endings, and chose the best one. I mean it's just my opinion... And I hope you like it too... Because I put so much effort into it for you guys.
But you don't have too...
All that matters is I proud of this....
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, and have a good night... Or day... Whenever you are when you read this... :)
Oh! And I was actually going to ask you guys, what book should I write next? It can be any fandom. I will just randomly chose from a hat, if I get a bunch of different ideas.
Again thank you, and enjoy. :)
Arthur's POV:

I turn back towards Merlin. My heart races. My breath quickens. Pain fills my gut, and twist my insides all around. I felt sick. I couldn't let him do this. I wouldn't...

I race back over to the ledge. Merlin's steps off, and... I hear people scream. Fear shots right through me. I dive forward, scraping my body agents the ground. And at the last second, I grab Merlin's wrist. People below gasp, and scream some more. I feel my body being pulled off the ledge a little, but I hold my ground. My stomach is all cut up and bleeding, but I choke back the pain, focusing on Merlin.

I try pulling him up, but Merlin tries to break free from my grip, making it harder. He grabs my wrist with the other hand, and my hand slips from him. He let's go of my wrist, but again, I grab him, this time with my other hand. I hear the crowd scream again. Someone then yelled, "just let him jump already!" I could hear people side with him, but others yelled agent it.

I used all my strength, to pull Merlin up. He put up only a small fight, before allowing me to pull him up. Once up, he curled up to me and cried. After a minuet, I could hear sirens, and see flashing lights. Someone probably called the cops.

Merlin whispered sorry over and over again. I shhed him, and rubbed circles into his back. "It's okay... You're okay... Everything is going to be fine..." I cood in his ear. I kissed his head, and when the cops and paramedics came up, Merlin was sound asleep in my arms.

----------------------------------------------------------------Tow year later------------------------------------------------------------

Merlin's POV:

"My dad's coming over for dinner tonight, in about ten minuets... I hope you guys don't mind." I said to Arthur and his family.

"It's fine..." Arthur's mom- Igranie- said.

I smiled, and went to my room. Yes, I live with them now. After the accident, I went to the hospital, and stayed there for a month. After I was released, Arthur's family took me in. And a short while after that, me and Arthur came out, that we were dating. Igranie was happy for us. Uthur was proud that we told them, and welcomed me to the family. And Morgana treated me like family, and was so happy for us.

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. After a second or two my door opened and closed. I then felt my bed move, as someone climbed on and lay next to me. "You doing ok?" Arthur asked, nibbling on my neck.

"No..." Arthur stopped, and I felt him stare at the side of my head. I smiled, "because your driving me crazy, with your teasing." He laughed, climbing on top of my and kissing my lips. It was a slow, ginger kiss. I rolled us over, so I was on top.

It was my turn. I nibbled at his neck, and he let out a quite moan. I then stopped, and licked down his jaw line, to his lips. I teased him a little, by bring my lips so close to his, but didn't kiss him. "Merlin..." He whined. But when I still didn't move, he smashed his lips against mine. I smiled, pushing him back down.

"No.... I lead this one..." I whispered in his ear, before kissing it.

I heard the door open again, and Uther said, "oh my... Sorry boys, but play times over. Merlin your fathers here, and he brought you a gift..." Uther smiled, before stepping out of the room, and walking down the hall.

I kissed Arthur's lips, and said, "we'll continue this later." And got up. I left Arthur on the bed, and went to see my dad. "Hey, good to see you again." I said, hugging my dad. "You were away for almost a month."

"Yeah, about that... I went on a business trip. I thought it was only going to take a week, but that man is a hard man to get approval from..." My dad laughed. "Anyway, I have something for you." He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a wood carving. It was the size of this palm. It was birch wood, making the figure white. It was a dragon. A white dragon. I smiled, slowly grabbing it from his hands.

"Where'd you get it?" I asked.

"I carved it." He said this, proudness in his voice.

"Thank you so much." I said, hugging him again.

"Your welcome..."

"Dinners ready." Uther called from the kitchen.

I grabbed my dads hand and pulled him to the dinning room. Where everyone sat down. I interdused my dad to Morgan- who's never meet him- and sat down next to Arthur. My dad sat across from me, next to Morgan. And Igranie sat at the end of the table, closet to me, while Uther sat on the other end of the table, closet to Arthur.

We finished our dinner, and everyone filed into the living room, where we put in a movie, and had popcorn. Everyone was happy.

Arthur's POV:

Merlin fell asleep half way through the movie. His head lay in the nap of my neck, and his body curled up agent mine. I heard his light snores, as he dreamed. I looked around and saw everyone else was asleep.

I kissed Merlin's head, and whispered, "I love you..."

Merlin's sleepy voice replied, "I love you too..."

"Did I wake you?" I asked, but he didn't reply. He just kissed my collar bone, and snuggled closer to me. "Goodnight, my little... Wizard. The one who put me under a spell..."

That was the last thing I remembered, before falling into a deep sleep. Snuggled agenst Merlin...

Merther AU- Why fear Death?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora