Chapter 11

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Merlin's POV:

Dinner at Arthur's was fun. We talked about school, life, what we like to do, are favorite music etc.

I was just finishing my dinner, when Arthur's dad turned to me. "So, Merlin, how did you and Arthur meet?" He asked, setting his elbows on the table.

"Well... We... Sir, um..." He cut me short.

"Uther." He corrects, before gesturing for me to continue.

"Um, well... He was being bad in class, and he was sent to the office. Later that day, he hit me in the head with a ball, and we sort of.. became friends from there." I looked up at Arthur, he was smiling but his eyes looked sad.

"Yeah. You were hard to become friends with. You were so quiet, but now, you're the loudest person I know." Arthur said.

The room fell silent, and after a few seconds I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look over, seeing it was Arthur's mother. "It was nice to get to know you. And you were lovely company. Now, I must excuse myself, I have to make some calls and get some work done." She got up and walked to the door, stopping in the doorway. "When your done with dinner, put your dishes in the sink, I'll get to them later." She smiled.

When she was gone, Morgana stood up. "You must excose me too, I have homework, and a test tomorrow." With that she was out of the dining room, and walking down the hall.

Arthur's father got up and left, not saying a single word. That leaves just me and Arthur. I feel his leg touch mine, and I jump at the touch. He doesn't seem to notice though, as he plays with his food. I get up, and he still doesn't seem to notice. I go around the table, and collect all the dishes, adsept Arthur's who is still sitting there.

I go to the kitchen, and begin cleaning the dishes. When I get to the last plate, I feel like someone's watching me, but I pretend I don't notice.

Arthur's POV:

I'm all alone with Merlin. I sit there quietly, playing with my food. My leg touches his, but I don't bother saying or doing anything. I soon get lost in thought, not knowing what was happening around me.

'I wonder what Merlin thought of tonight. Did he like my parents? was he shy? I didn't notice, I was to caught up thinking about how cute he was. His hair was still a mess, and it was so cute. He was the cutest tonight. His hair, his clothes, his red cheeks every time he blushed.' I smile to myself at the thought of hi messy hair and him plushing.

I turn to my right, only to see he wasn't there. I hear the sink in the kitchen, and wonder if my mom was doing dishes. I thought for a moment. 'Maybe Merlin left.' I started to panic at the thought. I got up, grabbed my plate, and walked to the kitchen. I stop in the doorway seeing Merlin was doing the dishes. I lean on the doorframe, taking in his appearance.

He stopped for a second, before continuing. I look down at his butt, and stare. I soon realize this is a bad thing, and look away with a blush. I slowly walk twards him, and snake one arm around his waist, and the other I put in front of us, to set the plate in the sink.

"You didn't have to do this." I smile. "My mom was going to do it." Merlin scoffs, and put the clean plate aside before picking up my plate.

"Yeah, your mom was going to do it." He says.

"What's wrong with that?" I ask.

"Well she seems tired, and it looks like she does everything around here." He says, putting my now clean plate aside.

"OK, so she does a lot around here, but she likes doing it."

"Are you sure?" He asked, leaning against the counter. "Maybe you should help her out sometimes."

"Merlin, you're a kind amazing person, but you need to stop worrying about others, and worry about yourself." I say, setting my hands on his shoulders. He says nothing, as he closes his eyes, and crosses his arms. He sighed, and let his body fall into my arms. "It's getting really late, you should probably just stay the night." I whisper into his hair.

He nods as he pulls away, and gestures for me to lead him to where he'll sleep tonight. I grab his hand and drag him down the hall to my room. When we get to my room, I realize Merlin has nothing to wear for the night. I walk over to my dresser, and rummaged through the mess of shirts. I pull out and ACDC shirt, and throw it at him. I then go through my pants drawer and pull out sweatpants and throw those at him as well.

"Thanks." He mumbles, pulling his pants off, and slipping the sweatpants on. I watch as he slowly slides out of his shirt, and slips on the the ACDC one I gave him. "Arthur?..." He whispered.

"Yeah...?" I say when he didn't continue.

He took in a breath, and turned away from me. "I was wondering if you'd come with me... To my mum's funeral I mean...?" He spoke quietly. I had no idea what to say. I wanted to go, but I was so stunned I couldn't speak. This was the first time he mentioned the funeral. Endless he did, but I didn't catch it... "Arthur?"

"What....? Sorry..." I said, "of c-course... I'll come..."

"You promise?" He asked.

"I promise. No matter what."

You're an amazing friend..." He swiftly turned to me and pulled me into a big hug.

I hugged back, resting one hand on his the back of his head, and the other on his back. "Let's go to bed..." I whispered in his ear. He nodded, and I picked him up, carrying him to bed. "Goodnight Merlin..."

"Goodnight Arthur..." His voice trailed off, as he drifted into sleep.

I kissed his head, and pulled him close. I snuggled into him, keeping him warm. I finally drifting into sleep with him....

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