Chapter 6

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Merlin's POV:

Tears stream down my face, I fall to the floor being consumed by sadness. Someone knock at the door, and I already knew who it was- the police. I could see the lights shining in.

I walk to the door opening it, and one of their mouth opened to say something but closes it.

A wave of tears threaten to come, but I tried holding them in.


The next day I go to school, I reversed to stay home. I needed to get out of the house, so I went to school.

I arrive and Morgues walks over to me, she hands me a paper. "What's this?"

"My home work" she says.

"It's your homework for a reason..." I shove it back in her hand "so do it yourself" I could hear people, ooh as they turn to us.

Gollum walks over to me, about to punch me. But I duck, and throw a punch.

I felt a strong hand on my shoulder, and I turn getting ready to throw a punch. When they shove me agents the wall, holding me there. "Calm down"

I furiously, struggle to get free. "Merlin, please stop..." it was Arthur.

I freeze, looking down. He slowly releases his grip, and backs away. I turn around, seeing most people have either horror or sympathy in their eyes.

Arthur puts a hand on my shoulder, but I slap it away. "Merlin?... we're sor-" I cut him off.

"No, I'm ok... please don't say it... I came to get away from it, not to talk about it" I say, before running off down the hall.

I could hear Arthur chase after me, but I kept running. I ran into the bathroom, leaning agents the door and sliding down it.

Arthur bounded on the door, shouting my name. I moved away from the door, and he came in.

"Merlin, are you ok?" I get off the ground, laughing a little.

"You know what?... I don't care, I mean I've lost someone before and everyone loses someone they love. So when you ask me if I'm ok... I'm not, because I'm never ok. My life sucks, but yet here you are. Your life is perfect and everyone likes you... so I have question, why are you asking me? I would think you would be asking someone like you"

"Mer-" I cut him off again.

"When you walked into my life, everything changed. And I don't mean in some stupid fairy tale way, I mean it went down hill. I loved my mom, I did... but doesn't she know that. I guess I let a horrible demon in, and it won't go... So I'm asking you to leave"

He didn't say anything. I walked over to him, till he was cornered agents the wall. I throw a punch, missing his face by an inch. My fist hit the cement wall, I could hear a few bones shatter. Blood dripped from my hand, and I didn't care.

I walked out, hearing gasps as I exit. I look up, seeing that most of the students followed.

I put my hand in my pocket, and went to my first hour class. The blood started soaking my pocket, seeping through. I pull out a notebook, sketching with my left hand- witch was hard because, it wasn't my right.

The teacher turned to me, and got mad. "Merlin, what class are you in?"


"And... why are you drawing well I'm teaching?" I look down, the teacher walks over to me and gasps when he sees the blood. "Go to the nurse and when you get back I hope you will pay attention..." I get up and walk to the door.

When I came back, my arm was in a slim and it was hard to wright. I felt people's gaze on me, as I sat there. When the bell rang, I jumped out of my seat and ran into the swarm of kids.

It was lunch, and of course I sat alone- also because what happened this morning. More gazes fell on me, and I couldn't take it anymore. I jumped out of my seat, and walk out.

I could hear someone case after me, but I kept walking. Someone touched my shoulder, I swag around to face them. It was Morgues, she looked sad- but I shook it off.

"I'm not in the mood" I say turning around.

"Wait, can't you just h-" I cut her off.

"I said I'm not in the mood..." I say again, putting my head down.

"I'm s-" I cut her off, slamming her agent the lockers. "Go ahead... hit me, punch me, do what ever you want..." she pauses "but let me say one thing?"

I could feel people stair at me, as Morgues continued. "I'm sorry, for what happened to your mom..." I slowly release her, and she grabs my wrist- holding it tight.

I feel tears form in my eyes, and she pulls me into a hug. Tears stream down my face, and she puts her chin on my head- converting me.

She pulls away, and says it's ok and that she's here for me.

"You want to get out tonight?"

"Can't" I say, I just didn't trust her yet and I wanted to be alone.

"Ok... but if you do, just call me" she handed me a slip of paper, and smiled.

I got home that night, and went to me mom's room. I walked into her bathroom, and pulled out my knife. I cut into my skin, letting blood escape.

When I was done there was blood all over the bathroom floor, so I cleaned up. I lay on my mom's bed, closing my eyes. I didn't even noticed but I fell asleep, sometime during the night.

I got up, and called in sick. I read all day and slept a little, that day. At 5pm, there was a knock at the door. I answer it, and see it's Arthur.

"Merlin, I came to check on you... so, how are you feeling? I heard you got sick."

"No, I just needed a day alone... I'm fine" we stand there in silents, none of us saying what we think. That is until I speak up "Is there anything elsa you want?"

"Oh, yes..." he opened his bag "I was told to give this to you... it's all your homework"

"Thanks" I grab it, setting it on the little table near the door. "Want to come in?... I mean I was just going to eat some dinner"

"Yes, thank you" he stepped inside, taking his shoes off.

"I was making soup... is that ok with you?" He nods his head "I also have stuff to make sandwiches"

He sits down at the table, and I set a bowl in front of him. "What kind of sandwich you want?"

"No, I'll make it... you sit down" he offers. "What kind do you want?"

"Surprise me" I say, smiling a little.

A few minuets later, he came with some sandwiches. He handed me one, and grabbed a napkin- putting it on his arm like a waiter. "May I get you anything elsa, sir?"

"No, I'm good" I say, with a smile.


Sorry for the last chapter, and that I haven't updated in a while. I have school, and I had to wright a stupid paper for being late.
So sorry, and thank you for reading.

Merther AU- Why fear Death?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora