My mom pays for our meals and I text Ethan to meet us at the house. "I just want to go to bed." I say as we get in the car, "Does your stomach hurt?" I shake my head no, "Just tired." My mom heads to the house and Ethan's truck is in the driveway. "I'll go see if they talked or not." I walk up to him, "Hey." He smiles, "Hey Bel." I kiss him, "What are you doing in the truck?" He shrugs, "Want to get in?" I walk over to the passenger side, "Ready?" I put on my seat belt, "Where are we going?" He grabs my hand, "Somewhere." I raise an eyebrow, "Okay?" We head out and Ethan makes a pit stop at the grocery store, "I'll be right back." He is acting so freaking weird.

"Hey." Ethan pulls two bouquets of flowers from behind his back, "Two of them?" He smiles, "This one is for you." He gives me the bouquet of Peonies and puts the tulips aside. "Thank you." I kiss his cheek and he puts the car on drive, "Who are the other flowers going to?" Ethan looks down at them, "My mom."' My eyes go wide, "Oh." I rest my head on his shoulder, "I need you there with me." I bring his hand up to my mouth, "Anytime, Ethan."

We finally get to the cemetery, "We're here." We park near her grave, "Ready?" I nod, I don't know why I'm so nervous. "Hey mom." Ethan says when we find her grave. We sit in the grass next to her, he places the flowers on her grave. "I got you your favorite flowers, and I brought your favorite girl with me." I blush as he continues, "We plan to get married soon, I'm sure you know." I take Ethan's hand as his voice starts to crack, "I'm sure you know about dad and Jennifer, I didn't mean to hit him. I'm sorry mom, I'm so sorry." I rub his back, "He said he understands why I got upset, but how could he not think of you?" He starts to cry, "I'm sorry I haven't visited, I really miss you. It is so hard to talk to you here."

I let Ethan talk to her in private as I walk back to the truck. I know it is so hard for him to visit her like this, I feel so bad. He joins me a few minutes later, "Hi." He says as he gets in, "Hey." We buckle up, "Thank you for coming with me." I kiss his cheek, "I don't mind at all." He heads home, "I want to go to bed." All I can think about is food, "Can we get McDonald's or something?" He laughs, "Didn't you just eat?" I shrug, "I'm hungry."

We eat our food on the drive home, "Ready to go inside?" I ask as he parks, he smiles, "Yeah, I think so." We walk in the front door and see our parents watching TV. "Hey guys." I say, they wave, "Hey!" I head up the stairs and Ethan follows behind me. "I love you." He whispers as we lay down on my bed, "We don't have to whisper anymore, our parents know." I laugh. He smiles, "But I doubt they know we have had sex in your bed." I feel my cheeks go red, Ethan pulls me into him. He kisses my neck and slides his hand under my dress, "We can't." I whisper. Ethan presses into me, "Ethan." I feel him harden against my leg and his hand finds my sweet spot. My breath hitches, "I love you." His lips wander my body. "I guess it wouldn't be the first time our parents were down stairs." Ethan stops and laughs, "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. How did I get so lucky?" I kiss him, "I ask myself the same thing everyday."

I lay my head on Ethan's shoulder, "What are we going to do?" He gives me a weird look, "What do you mean?" I fiddle with my ring, "I feel like we aren't going to be able to wait four years." He kisses me, "Time will tell." I kiss him back and he deepens it, he goes on top of me. "I need you." He says in between kisses. He trails them down my neck and I tug at his shirt. He sits up and tears it off, he is so sexy. "I like this view." He smirks, "I love mine, too." He bends down and plants a kiss on my lips, he tugs my dress up. "I want you." He whispers, I slide out from under him. "Want to unzip my dress?" He kisses my neck to the nape. His hands find my zipper and he slowly pulls it down. "Bella?" I turn and face him, "Yes?" His eyes sparkle, "I didn't realize you weren't wearing a bra." I laugh, "Well I'm not going to broadcast it." He pulls me into him, "You never cease to amaze me."

"Kiss me." Our lips collide and Ethan brings me to the bed. I unbuckle his jeans, he grabs the lace of my panties,"Don't you dare do it." He smirks and rips them off. "Ethan!" I slap his chest, "Kinky." He winks at me, "Shut up." He pulls me down and kisses me, one of his hands wonders down and he enters a finger inside of me. He switches me spots so he is on top, he slides his jeans down, along with his boxers. "You're so ready." He grabs his wallet to find a condom, "Ready?" He assures me after he slides it on. I nod, "Always." He slowly enters me and I try to hold back a moan. He starts speeding up, he feels so good.

He continues going back and forth, "Ethan." He crashes his lips to mine, his hands travel up my body. One toys with my nipple, "Bella, you feel so good." He moves so I am on top, I go up and down and watch Ethan watch me. He grabs my hips and directs them, he stifles a moan. With a few more thrusts Ethan brings my lips down to mine, "I'm going to cum." He tears the condom off and brings his member to my mouth. I suck him off until his warm liquid slides down my throat. "You are so amazing." He hugs me and I never want to let him go.

"I'm so tired." I yawn, Ethan rubs my back. "Cuddle with me then." I turn and face him, "I thought we were cuddling?" He laughs and pulls me closer to him. "I can't get enough of you." He intertwines his legs with mine and kisses my nose. I laugh and he raises an eyebrow, "It tickled!" He kisses my nose again, then my cheeks, and neck. "I love you." I kiss him back, "I love you too." I yawn, and lay on his shoulder. "I can't wait for us to be back in Charlotte." He plays with my ring, "Why's that?" I smile, "So, we can be alone together." He brings my hand up to his lips, "We are right now." I roll my eyes, "Our parents are downstairs." He makes a gagging sound, I can't help but laugh. "I agree." I feel my eyes getting heavy, "You really are tired." I nod. "Goodnight baby." Ethan kisses my forehead.

I open my eyes and see Ethan sleeping next to me. I slide out from his arms and open my door. I look out to make sure no one is in the hallway. I walk over to the bathroom and start the shower. I look in the mirror, I look like a mess. I have no idea what Ethan sees in me. I feel the water and hop in, I scrub my hair and then I remember Jess scheduled me that doctor appointment. I hurry with my shower and grab my towel, I don't even know what time it is. I hurry back to my room, Ethan wakes up and squints at me, "Bel, what are you doing?" I look through my clothes, "Jess scheduled me that doctor appointment and I just thought of it." Ethan looks at his phone, "It's only eight, you have another hour." I drop my duffel bag, "Seriously?" He laughs, "Yes." I jump in the bed, Ethan plays with my hair, "You smell good." I kiss him, "Maybe because I showered, unlike you."

Ethan finally gets up to shower and I find something to wear. He comes back in the room as I finish putting my shirt on, "I wish you would keep it off." He whispers pulling me into him, "Stop." I whisper, I have no idea where my mom is, and she can not walk in on this. I kiss him softly, "I have to get going, want to come with me and we can head back to the apartment afterwards?" Ethan's smile widens, "Yeah, let me get dressed. Do you want to put our duffles in the truck?" I grab his clothes out for the day and grab the rest of our stuff, "Be right back."

"Hey!" My mom says when I open the front door, "Hey!" She follows me outside, "I'm so happy you guys got to stay for the weekend." I put the bags in the truck, "I missed you!" I hug her, "I'm sorry for the drama Harry and I caused." We start to head back inside, "You couldn't help it." Ethan is walking down the stairs when we open the door, "Hey!" My mom greets him, he hugs her, "Thank you for letting us stay here." We say goodbye one last time and head out the door, "Ready?" I get in the truck, "Always."

We head to the doctors, it's only 15 minutes away. "Ready?" I groan, "Yeah." We walk towards the door and I go up to the front desk and give them my information. "The doctor will be with you shortly." Ethan and I go find a place to sit. I read a magazine while he plays on his phone. "Isabel?" Ethan and I stand up and follow the doctor back to her office. "What brings you guys in today?" I sit down on the bed, "Well, I've been throwing up a lot lately and my friend was worried about me, so she made us the appointment." She writes down some of the information I give her, "Okay, I'm going to have you pee in this cup and we can see what happens from there." I take the cup and walk to the bathroom.

Okay, so while that is being tested I'm going to ask you guys a few questions." I nod, "When was your last period?" I wish Ethan wasn't in the room for this, "I think like last month I honestly don't remember." She has me guess around the time I had it last, I honestly have no clue. "Okay, are you guys sexually active?" I look at Ethan before I answer, "Yes." She writes down more of the information. We have to tell her when we last had sex and how many times we have it in a week. We literally sound like horny bunnies. I never realized how much we bang.

"Your results are back from your sample." She looks over the file, "How long have you been throwing up in the morning?"I shrug, "A few weeks now." She nods, "Have you been having some unusual cravings with food and any nausea?"I nod, "I've been hungry a lot more lately and when I get sick I do." She writes it down, "Is Ethan the only guy who you have been having sexual intercourse with?" I hold his hand, "Yes, we're engaged." She smiles at us, "Wonderful." I look over at Ethan and raise an eyebrow, he shrugs. "You guys are pregnant."

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