You never fail to impress me.

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Not mine!
You stood, back facing Raven and Monty, hands pressed against your mouth as you waited. It was only mere seconds but the pressure and the intensity of the situation made it seem like hours. She was silent, tapping away on the keyboard, desperately trying to give Clarke a way to the kill switch, as Monty stared with a mixture of hope and doubt.

You knew she could do it, your wonderful, intelligent girlfriend, but you were scared. Scared of what would happen if Clarke didn't get to the kill switch, scared of what would happen if she did make it to the kill switch.

And then, the computer screens went black and the humming stopped, "Did she do it?" Monty asked quietly. It was Jasper's pained mumble that confirmed that Clarke had indeed pulled the kill switch, destroying A.L.I.E.

Almost falling down with the force you swirled around at, you rushed to Raven and engulfed her in the tightest hug, "You did it, Raven."

"Clarke," Raven murmured against your shoulder, "Clarke did it."
You pulled away from her, "It was you. Without you, Raven Reyes, my wonderful little genius, Clarke would've never found it; you were the sole reason this happened."
"I kinda was, wasn't I?" She grinned,


"You never fail to impress me," you whispered, pulling her back to you. For now, at least, you were all safe... But not for long...

Raven/You. Imagines.Where stories live. Discover now