part eleven: Angel

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Five and a half months later,padme went into labor. Sola and her mother kept the twins while her and Anakin rushed to the hospital. It was a long birth,it almost took as long as both of the twins births. Her contraptions were very painful,but Anakin held her hand the entire way through. Finally after sixteen long hours baby Angel came into the world quietly. After it was over, she let out a sigh of relief. Angel took over three more hours to push out than Luke and Leia. After the birth Anakin grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead "you did a wonderful job Padme, is wish I could've been able to see the twins being born." Padme shook her head. "No you don't, Angel's birth may have been more painful, but I died in their birth." Anakin considered this then nodded "your probably right, I wouldn't have wanted to see that." Padme soon fell asleep after the very long childbirth.

Anakin shook her shoulder and woke her up. "Mmm...what is it?.." Anakin smiled "the nurse is on her way to bring Angel up to us." Then there was a quiet knocking on the door. A few minutes a young nurse walked in, she was holding something wrapped up in a blanket. The nurse walked over to hand her Angel,but Padme shook her head"Give her to Anakin,i got to hold the twins first,he can hold her first." The nurse nodded and handed Anakin his daughter muttering,congratulations. Anakin stared into Angel's eyes "Hi there sweetheart, I'm your Daddy...." Anakin looked over at Padme"she's perfect." Padme smiled. Anakin put his forehead against Angel's, as he had done with Luke and Leia. He kissed her forehead , then handed her to Padme. She sat her down in her lap,to where she was leaning against her chest. She grabbed Angel's hands"Hello, little Angel...your so cute, I love you..." she kissed the back of her head . Angels fingers wrapped around Padme's fingers. After a few moments the doctor walked Into the room, seeing if Padme was feeling alright. Padme nodded and told him she was sore, but Angel had drowned out her pain. Soon Padme fell asleep with Angel on her chest.

She woke up three hours later. The doctor said she could go home tomorrow, but Angel couldn't come for Another two weeks. Anakin was sad to hear the news but he was happy he got to see Angel being born.

Angel was a healthy baby weighing eight and a half pounds. It was no doubt she would look just like Anakin , she had bright,sky blue eyes and blonde, curly hair. Anakin was worried about leaving Angel at the hospital, but padme assured him she would be fine. She had to deal with the anxiety of leaving her children behind too.

The next day Anakin and Padme saw Angel on more time, then left the hospital. Padme returned to Naboo to see her family. As soon as she walked through the door Luke and Leia ran up to her and hugged her so tight she almost fell down."well hello sweethearts,i missed you!" Luke looked up at her in bewilderment "your alive!", Padme looked at Anakin, and frowned "of course I am why wouldn't I be?" Leia looked up at her mother "we had a dream last night,and you were having a baby,and you died,but before you died you said something about Daddy." Padme looked over at Anakin in shock. "It was a bad dream it's not real." The twins nodded slowly then went into the kitchen to tell her mother that Padme was home. Jobal ran from the kitchen and hugged Padme. "I've missed you! Padme smiled "I've missed you too,but I'm glad you weren't there during the childbirth!" Jobal laughed.

Later that night while padme was getting ready for bed she pulled up her nightgown , revealing her stomach. " It's hard to believe there's not a baby in there now." Anakin smiled "I'll miss talking to her through your stomach, but I'm glad she's out." Padme smiled "yeah me too."

Hello people! So far six people have viewed this story. I'm really happy someone's seen it! I hope u like it,jane

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