part nine : surprise

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Padme nervously stepped into the doctor's office,hoping that her sickness was nothing serious. The doctor walked in the room and smiled "hello Mrs.Amidala how are you?" Padme smiled briefly"not very well I feel sick." The doctor smiled "okay, I'm going to ask you a few questions." Padme nodded bracing herself "when did this all start?" Asked the doctor looking over her glasses. "Yesterday at my twins birthday party,it lasted all night,so I was taken to the doctor." The doctor nodded, then her face changed and her brow furrowed "when was your last menstraul cycle?" Padme froze and thought for a moment "um.. well it's a little late this time but five weeks ago. " The doctor nodded and wrote something on her pad. "Mrs.Amidala I'm going to take a pregnancy test is that okay with you?" Padme froze again. Pregnant?! Padme nodded. The doctor took a urine sample and Padme waited anxiously. She never thought she was going to have another child. She shook those thoughts out of her head, there was no way she could be pregnant, she was probably just really sick.

Five moments later the doctor came back in the room and smiled "congratulations Mrs.Amidala , your four weeks pregnant." Padme's face froze and she started crying,not because she was sad, but because she was happy, very happy. She returned to the ship and arrived at her mother's home half an hour later. She walked into the house,suddenly nervous, she wondered how Anakin would react to her condition. Anakin looked up and ran to her hugging her. He looked at her concerned" how did it go?" She bit her lip. "Anakin can I talk to you,outside?" Anakin nodded and followed her to the balcony outside her mother's home. He looked at her worriedly "are you sick? Is it bad?" Padme shook her head and took a deep breath"no I'm not sick Anakin... I'm...." padme shook her head slowly,too scared to say it. Anakin touched her face "Padme please tell me..." she closed her eyes and took a even deeper breath " I'm pregnant again." She opened her eyes to see him smiling brightly"really?!" Padme nodded then smiled . He scooped her up into his arms and laughed while crying tears of joy. "That's Amazing!" She laughed and hugged him back. They went inside and told her family, and she could have sworn that her mother almost passed out in shock. Everyone was happy though. Luke and Leia looked confused . "What does that mean ?" Asked Leia. Anakin bent down to her height "it means there's a baby inside mommy's stomach." Leia and Luke nodded and rushed over to their mom touching her stomach and talking to it soothingly. Sola laughed at them and turned to padme "so how far along are you?" Padme looked over to her "about four weeks." Jobal ran I over to padme "I can't wait until your stomach starts putting out!" Padme laughed . Her father Ruwee patted Anakin on the back and shook his hand "you better take care of my daughter and grandchildren." Anakin nodded "I will sir, I promise you." After dinner padme went upstairs to retire for the night. Anakin layed beside her and smiled at her . He slid his hands under her robe and felt her stomach before kissing it gently. "I love you so much already." He said rubbing her still flat stomach. She laughed and rubbed her stomach too. Anakin leaned up and kissed padme , careful not to lay on her stomach . She turned over and Anakin put his arms around her waist and his hands on her stomach. She fell asleep within minutes.

So far nobody's even looked at this but I continue to write ! I wouldn't really care if nobody ever seen this though,i just like writing it. Byas Jane!

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