part six: The force

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The next morning Padme woke up feeling Anakin's gaze on her back. She turned around and yawned , then smiled lazily "Good morning Anakin" Anakin smiled "Morning Angel." He leaned over and gave her a chaste kiss. She smiled and and swing her legs over the bed. She called for Dorme , and the handmaiden came into her room "Hello milady, what do you need?" Padme smiled "just some clothes and my hair.," Dorme nodded ,the turned to Anakin "Good morning Anakin, may I do anything for you?" Anakin shook his head "No Dorme, everything is fine." She nodded then went to Padme's wardrobe. She picked out a green dress that trailed down to the floor. Padme began getting undressed then sat down at her vanity. Dorme brushed her hair , then put her hair into a braided bun. Padme stood up and went into the nursery,smiling at her children. Anakin came in from behind her and hooked his arm around her shoulders. Padme leaned on his should and sighed. "They're so beautiful...." she gasped. Anakin kissed her cheek "just like their mother." Padme laughed and shook his arm off. "I'm going to feed them." She said, then picked up Leia and brought her into the kitchen. She opened her fridge and grabbed a bottle out,then started feeding Leia. Leia eagerly drank from it. Padme handed her to Anakin,"why don't you help? I'll go get Luke." Anakin nodded at her , then looked down at Leia. Suddenly he saw a vision in his head,it was of Padme giving birth to the twins,then dying afterwards. He gasped and looked at Leia closely. He realized she had sent him a vision through the force. Tears came into his eyes at the sight,to see padme be in so much pain,then watching her breath her last breath and her last words being about him! Padme returned and seen his sad face "what's wrong Ani?" He turned towards her "I -i seen you die! Leia sent me a vision through the force!" Padme was shocked "she did?!" Anakin nodded "yes ! Yes she did! Padme, she's force sensitive, that means you are too! " Padme blinked confused "how am I force sensitive?!" Anakin laughed "it takes both of a child's parents being force sensitive, for her to be sending me visions at such a young age!" Padme looked confused "but I can't use the force at all." Anakin nodded "not yet, but if I train you, you could." Padme frowned "I don't know if I can do it." Anakin looked her In the eye "Anything is possible padme, you can do it I know you can do it." Padme looked at him and nodded. She grabbed another bottle out of the fridge,and began feeding Luke. She put her forehead against his and smiled . "I love you..." she whispered.
After feeding the twins, they spent a little bit time with them, as far as bonding goes, and layed the back in their cribs . Padme stared quietly, amazed with how big they were,she laughed and felt Anakin at the doorway. He was watching them with a dreamy look on his face. She walked over to him and hugged him,then looked back at the twins watching them sleep, she looked up at Anakin" I thought I had to raise them alone." Anakin looked down at her "I thought they were dead,including you," his face turned serious "I'm so sorry about what I did on Mustafar,i still can't believe I was that cold. And I swear I won't mess up again , I'm staying here and not leaving." Padme smiled and put her chin on top of his shoulder. He grabbed the back of her head and pressed her against him. They broke apart after a while , and smiled at each other. Dorme soon made dinner and they all are in silence, not sure what to say. After dinner , padme checked on the twins to make sure they weren't awake , then went to her bedroom. She got undressed,took her hair down ,and put on a nightgown. Anakin took off his shirt,as he always had done before bed,for some odd reason. She slid into bed and a few moments later Anakin slid in beside her hugging her from behind. She smiled and fell into a deep sleep

I have a plan for next chapter! You all might hate me and I'm sorry!!!!!!!


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