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As I left the gas station, I adjusted the bag on my back. I zipped up my jacket and continued walking down the road with Damien following. As I walked, I walked around the cars, occasionally looking in them. As I walked past a truck something caught my eyes. Sitting in the front was a metal flask. I tried opened the door but found it was locked. I sighed and looked around. I found a medium sized rock and picked it up. Since I was right handed, I held it in my right hand. I lifted my arm back and threw it through the window.

I reached through the window and unlocked the door. I pulled it open and reached inside and grabbed the flask. O stuck it in my pocket and climbed out of the car. I shut the door and continued down the road.

I came to s bridge that stretched over the highway. I walked over the bridge and looked down the highway. I looked at all the cars and semis that were either crashes or abandoned. Even an airliner was down on the road. I turned around and headed to the end of the bridge. I went around the edge of it and ran down the hill with Damien running next to me. We made it to the road and I ran to the airliner as Damien ran ahead of me. When I made it, I was out of breath. When I regained my breath, I walked to the side of the plane that was gapping open. I reached up and grabbed the edge of the floor and lifted myself up. I looked down at Damien, "stay boy," I say as I looked at him. He barks as sits down. I smile and node, "good boy," I say as I turn around. I was in the back of the plane where the 2nd class would be. I looked at all of the dead passengers, trying not to breath in the smell of the rotting flesh.

I look around, not able to find any thing. I sigh as I went into the back where the flight attendants usually are, and as I predicted, one of them was sitting in their single seat, dead. I looked around, I had found a fire emergency case on the wall. I smile d and looked through the glass. Sitting on the other side of the glass was a red fire ax. I look around, trying to find something to break the glass. After a few minutes, I had no luck in finding anything. I let out a long sigh as I look at my hand. I bundled up my hand into a fist. I pull my hand back, I gulped, preparing for the pain to come. I plunge my fist at the glass, shattering it. I grunted in pain, tucking my hand under my arm. I grabbed the ax and quickly left the plane.

I jumped down and landed on my hurt foot. I grunted and fell back on my but. Damien ran to my side and began sniffing my face. I shoved him away and looked at my hand. I pulled my bag off my back, I set it beside me and opened it. I dig through it until I found the first aid kit. I pulled out the bandages and wrapped my hand with them. I tie it and tuck the knot in the bandages. I put away the rest and zip my bag up. I put it back on my back. I grabbed the ax and started walking with Damien. As were walking, gun shots could be heard. I stop and look around. I signal Damien and we run into the trees. The gun shots got louder and louder until someone struck me on the back.

I fell on the ground, I turn my head when someone threw a punch at me. I rolled out of the way and kicked him in the leg. They threw a punch  and struck me in the face, causing a gash in my cheek. I struck him in the leg with the ax, making him scream and fall to his knees. I quickly got up and began to run, I looked back to see Damien following me. We continued to run until we came up to an old house.

I stopped and looked at it. I held my ax as I walked through the snow, crunching noises could be heard as we crept in front of the house. I looked over at Damien, "Damien, go scope out the house," and with that, he took off around the house. I nodded and ran to the front door, messing with door nob, but it wouldn't budge. I sigh, I look around until I saw a window. I ran to it, I put my ax through the window, dropping it on the floor

I climbed through it, being careful not to land on my ax. Once I was in, I stood up and picked up my ax. I walked to the door and unlocked it, calling in Damien. When he ran inside, I immediately shut the door while taking my hag off and setting it on the floor. Suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind and threw me on the ground. They got on top of me and pinned my arms down using their legs. "who are you and where did you come from," a male voice spoke, holding a gun to my head. I doll owed hard, "TELL ME!!!!,". I narrowed my eyes at him and brought my knee up, kneeing him in the back side. He ground and fell off me, I pulled the gun out of my coat pocket and aim at him.

He stands up, I lay on the ground with my gun at him as he stands over me with his gun at me. He sighs, "ok we aren't getting any where with this so just drop your weapon so we can talk" he says not putting his gun down, "put yours down first!" He slowly lifts his hands as he lowers the gun to the ground, setting it there and standing back up. I set my gun down and sit up, he holds out and hand and helps me up. Once I'm standing he motions me to the kitchen, I follow him.

In the kitchen was a fire pit with a couple of old stools around it. I take an seat on one of them and he sits across from me. "So, what are you doing roaming this mess of a world," he asks tending to the fire that the fire pit held. I sigh and shrug, "all I'm trying to do it find my mom, I woke up yesterday to find this place like this." He nods and hands me s cup of water which I drink immediately, I hadn't known my throat was so dry.

"surely you would've seen this place a lot longer than you say you have, I mean it's been this way for 20 years." I choke on my water, "w-what.." He looks at me, "yeah, the atomic bombs dropped in 2016, causing the state of Florida to become a nuclear waste land, it's been twenty years since it's happened." I set the water down and looked at him, " I didn't think it's been that long, i mean the night before yesterday I was sitting with my mom and we just heard about the bomb threat.

He looks at me and smiles awkwardly, "uh.......what?" I sigh and look at him, "ok my mom is a witch a don the night the bombs dropped she drugged me with a spell making me fall into a coma which stopped my aging. And when I woke up the whole world went to shit." He blinked, "o-ok." I snicker and drink my water, "I know it's hard to believe," I say taking a sip. He smiles, "just a wee bit but not the most unbelievable thing I heard".

I smile, " I'll be taking off soon thanks for the water," he nods, "don't worry about it but it is getting dark out so you can stay for the night." I start thinking, he is right, id have to stop for the night and it's either in front of a fire in in the snow. "I guess I can stay for a while, but I'm leaving at dawn," he nods. I walk out of the room and retrieve my gun and my bag. I pick up his gun and return back to the kitchen, I hand him his gun as sit down as he thanks me. I nod and rummage through my bag for the blanket. Soon Damien joins us and I wrap my blanket around me and him, "I have a bigger blanket if you'd like to use it.

I look at him and smile, "that would be great." He nods and goes and fetched the blanket. He brings it back and I wrap myself in it. "I think I'm gonna turn in so I can get up early, he nods. I get up and grab my bag. I walk out of the kitchen with Damien. We walked into a separate room and I shut the door. I lied down next to Damien and rested my head on him. I soon drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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