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Date: Unknown, time: unknown

Rose's POV

It was cold but It was peaceful. Like the kind of peace you would get from reading your favorite book in front of a fire. I tried to move but my body wouldn't move. It was peaceful. Like the kind of peace you would get from reading your favorite book in front of a fire. I tried to open my eyes but I failed. It felt as if my body was paralyzed. I could feel something big next to me though. Soon, I was fully capable of opening my eyes. As I did, the sun was barely peeking over the trees. As I sat up, a blue tint disappeared. Leaving the air dangerously cold. I looked around to find that my house wasn't what it once was. All the walls had gaping holes in the along with the glass of the window shattered on the floor. I looked through one of the holes in the wall to find a light snow falling from the sky. "What is going on?" I say as I backed away from it. I turn back to my bed to find Damien laying on it while looking at me. I sigh and walk over to him and gently pet his head.

I scavenged through my room to find any thing that I could put on to help me through the cold. I found a thick coat with a fur lining. I put it on, giving out a relieved sigh. I look over by my window to see if I could find any thing. As I looked, I accidentally stepped on the glass. I grunted in pain as I fell back into my butt. I looked at my foot to find it bleeding terribly. I grunted again as I tried to stand up. I hoped out of my room and into the bathroom. I looked through the cabinet trying to find the first aid kit. When I found it, I pulled it out and set it on the counter top. I opened it and pulled out some alcohol wipes and some bandages along with some tweezers.

I sat on the ground and began pulling out the glass with the tweezers. Once done, I began wiping it off with the alcohol wipes. The then wrapped my foot with the bandages.

I stood up and began putting every thing back in the first aid. I picked it up and carried it into what used to be the living room. I looked around as Damien came and sat down next to me. I bend down and pet him on the head. I raise back up and look around the living room. Some of the walls were completely stripped of the wood that they were made up of. All that was left was some metal support rods and a few pieces still intact. Glass was every where caused by the Windows. The chairs and tables were charred as if they were set on fire. The door was leaning side ways as it was being supported by one rusty door henge.

I looked out side, all of the trees were stripped of their leaves and were dead. The grass was yellow and brown. No sign of life at all. I walked back inside and looked around the house until I saw a book bag. I picked it up and walked back to my room and stuffed it full of all the cloths that were still in good condition. I put the first aid kit inside of it along with some cans of food and bottled water. I  zipped up the bag and looked at Damien. I turn and look around my room until something caught my eye. There, laying on my bed, was a note that had my name written on it red. I pick it up and open it. The note read

Dear Rose,

Since you are reading this, I know that you've awoken. I know that your are confused to the strange world that you are now living in. That day that the atomic bomb threat was giving, that night, the bombs were dropped. I'm sure you remember the red liquid I gave you, right? Well that was actually a spell that I had placed on you. It froze your body in a state that allowed you to survive through the bombs. I'm also quite sure that you stayed in that comatose state for a long while, but trust me dear, all shall be alright.

There is a safe in my room with a gun. It should keep you protected.

I love you sweetie.

Love, Mom.

I nod and tuck the the note into my pocket. I grab the picture of my mom off of my dresser and put it with the note. I walk to my mom's room and found the safe, but it had a number lock on it. I curse under my breath and look around. After a few minutes, I found nothing. I went back to the number lock and began punching in numbers.

I started with her birthday, Access denied. I curse again. I then tried my birthday, Access Denied. I began to get frustrated. I began thinking. After a few minutes something popped into my head. I typed in my dad's birthday, Access Granted. I sigh in relief and turn the handle, opening the big safe. Inside the safe was a hand gun, and a few rounds of ammo. I put the ammo in the front pocket of my book-bag and grabbed the gun. I walked out of my moms room and then outside. I tucked the gun into my coat pocket and walked off the porch. A new chapter of my life is beginning.... And I'm ready. I needed to find my mother and that is exactly what I'm going to do.

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