Common Thief's POV

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I finally busted in through the window. So much for subtlety. I sighed, if I hadn't disabled the security system I would be caught already. If cutting the whole communities power counted as disabling a system. I had given up completely on picking the locks on houses, this was way easier. I carefully entered, making sure to not catch any of my clothing on the shards of glass. I was shocked I hadn't managed to get caught during any of my heists before this but best not question my good luck. I crept down the hallway, looking for the bedroom. There was sure to be some sort of loot in there. I saw a closed door amongst the hallway of open ones. Bingo. I slowly opened the door, stopping it from creaking. Or, at least I was trying. It creaked anyway. STUPID GOSHDARN LOUSY DOORS!!!!!!!! I peered into the room, and saw.... SHOOT! There was a dead guy being held up by some crazy looking person in black. She was wearing a black cape, black gloves and a black body suit. She was definitely what I would describe as "intimidating". You know, holding a dead body and all. Of course, this is just what I remember from the couple of seconds we stood staring at eachother. No way was I sticking around, so I ran. And jumped through the broken window, where I cut myself on the glass, but WHO CARES. I was not going to be next to die cause of some crazy chick. So I fled the scene of the crime.

I was at my apartment, and just chilling, watching the news. Okay, so I wasn't chilling so much as freaking out that I was going to be caught breaking and entering, so I was watching to check if I was on the news. And then....

"Just yesterday a house in the suburbs was broken into, and beloved police chief John hilltin was brutally beaten, resulting in death. Police found the fingerprints of one Amanda Stelp on the broken window, and are looking for the 21 year old. She has chestnut brown hair, is about 5 foot 5, and has a nose piercing. Further information about where she is would be helpful to the possible arrest of the 21 year old. Anyone who knows her should immediately contact the police as she may be dangerous."

I heard a knock on my door.

"POLICE. Open up!!!!!!!!" A gruff voice shouted. And once again, I ran.

Five hours later, I was hiding in a sewer. HOW in the WORLD had I gotten into a sewer? Simple. I went in to ditch the police. I may have possibly fell in while running from them, but that would never happen, and I totally didn't. Definitely. Yeah, that is the thing that didn't happen. Yeah. Anyway, I was now stuck. In a sewer. Alone. In the dark. I sighed, it was going to be a long day. Night. Whatever time it was. UGH. And then, a shadowy figure stepped out of the shadows. The point I'm trying to make here is they were shady. Oh boy, this day got a whole lot worse all the sudden.

I began to run. And then I made the biggest mistake ever. I looked behind me. The figure was wearing a dark black cloak and........ I'm sure other stuff but I couldn't see it. We WERE in a SEWER after all. Which is why it was NOT a good idea to be ogling the nice black cloak the figure currently chasing after me because just as I turned around-


My nose became sewer kill, and not just from the smell. I'm trying to say in a fancy way that I bumped into a wall okay? Okay. While I nursed my poor nose the figure just started to walk towards me in an intimidating manner. Oh who am I kidding? If they were dancing a ballet I'd be scared of them. My nerves were shot, and just as I began to stand up-



Just as the figure raised a hand with another throwing star ready to kill me, a miracle occurred. The wall just, turned around, like a secret passage or something. Which was INSANE because secret passageways couldn't POSSIBLY be a real thing, right? Much less in a sewer, WHY WAS THERE A SECRET PASSAGE IN THE SEWER?

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