Henchman's POV

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I looked down at the floor, making sure to keep silent. I knew I should say something, but I didn't want to interrupt. Not after... not after last time. I shuddered at the thought. I was better off just staying silent. Like usual. I finally looked up from the floor, noticing the lack of noise reaching my ears. She was staring at me, her piercing eyes ablaze. Her arms folded in front of her chest. Foot tapping impatiently on the polished stone floor I had just scrubbed that morning.

"Well?" She snapped impatiently. "Anything to add, henchman?"

Finally. A moment to speak. I opened my mouth to state my opinion, but before a word could even form within my head, she spoke again. Her voice having more of a snarky bite to it than before.

"As I thought. My plan is too good for words to describe." She sneered.

I sighed, but nodded my head in agreement. It's always better to agree with the boss than contradict her. After all, Nefarious Woe is not one to be trifled with.


I bit down on my tongue at the sudden outburst. My teeth digging into the flesh, drawing a little trickle of tangy, metallic tasting blood. I didn't know how to respond. Of course I had stuff to say... I just never got around to it. Instead of responding, I just stood there. My big, grey eyes unblinking. Wringing my hands together behind my back.

"God. Why are henchman such idiots..." She grumbled, rolling her eyes as she headed towards the door.

I watched as she walked out. Her footsteps quick and silent. Each stride she took seemingly perfect compared to my clumsy tendencies. Within seconds. She was gone. Melted into the dark of night surrounding the base. I sighed, my shoulders slumping. My spine bending slightly as I slowly exhaled. My eyes sliding closed. Going over the main aspects of the plan within my mind. Murder. That was the one word that continued to pop out at me. Murder. Cold-blooded murder. I shook my head. Trying not to think of it as murder, but ending someone for the greater good... or greater evil, as Nefarious Woe would have put it.

"Are you coming or not, Keith? We don't have all night, you know!"

I looked up, my mind wrenched free from my slur of thoughts, to see her poking her head back through the door. I nodded, then shuffled after her quietly. Barely lifting my feet from the floor as I walked. She groaned, rolling her eyes in an exasperated manner. On that note, we both stepped out into the shadows. Nefarious Woe blended in like she was a shadow herself. I stuck out like a sore thumb. My mind continued to return back to that one word. Murder. No. Don't think of it as murder. Think of it as ending someone's life for the greater good... yeah. That's all it is. Ending someone's life for the greater good. 

We arrived in the dead of night. I glanced over at Nefarious Woe as I rubbed my arms. Shivering slightly... well, quite a lot from the cold. I could barely make her out in the dark, but I could tell she wasn't cold. She was never cold. Though, she was pretty cool... I froze, bending over slightly as a wave of frigid, icy wind washed over me. Tearing at my clothes. Chilling me right down to the bone. Seeming to freeze the blood in my veins. I would have much prefered to be at home at the moment, sitting in front of a blazing fire, safe from the freezing cold of night. But... Nefarious Woe had a job to complete; and I, being her loyal henchman, had to follow. Nefarious Woe shot me a glare colder than the wind swirling around us, commanding me to pick up the pace or suffer the consequences. I did as I was told. Forcing myself to continue going. I knew the end result if I didn't would be worse than anything the wind could do to me.

Finally, we arrived at the house. The, to-be, murder site of John Hilltin. I didn't know much of the to-be murder victim, but I suspected he was one of the detectives that was on the case of the murder she had last committed. As I began to approach the house, Nefarious Woe placed her arm out in front of me. Stopping me in my tracks. I looked over at her. The look plastered across her facial features told me she was less than impressed at my 'eagerness'.

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