As soon as he did, he got a call. Confused, Megatron aswered it only to see Ayla in a fit of rage. He smirked and watched as Ayla destroyed their base. Ayla continued doing what she was doing, completely obvious that Megatron was on the screen.

"Ayla, get out of there! I'll have Soundwave send you a bridge when you're out of the Autobot's base.", Megatron ordered and cut the video chat.

Ayla opened the groundbridge and ran through. Once she was out, a second groundbridge opened and she went through. Finally returning home.

"Ah. Much better! Finally back, and I don't even know how long it was!", Ayla said as she looked up.

"17 hours. Megatron is in his room.", Soundwave answered in recordings.

Ayla nodded and went to Megatron's room and knocked on the door. Once again, she dented his door. The door was immediately opened up and she was pulled in then engulfed in a big, but general like hug.

"I know this isn't like me, but I was worried about you. Okay, that isn't like me either, but you're so much like my daughter. I feel like I have to worry.", Megatron said, "When I was watching you over the video call, I realized something. I did find my daughter. YOU are my daughter, Ayla."

"How?", Ayla asked as she hugged Megatron back.

"After I sent my daughter off world, her pod filled with gas and disappeared. I just don't understand how a pod could have gone into another dimension.", Megatron explained.

Ayla shrugged, "But how do you know I'm her? Even if I feel a connection to you."

"You have her eyes, her powers, her blood type, and her evil personality.", Megatron grinned, "That's how."

"Okay, good enough for me.", Ayla said, "How do we get me back into my true form and get me my memories back, then?"

"They might come back one by one, your memories. As for your real self, I don't know when you'll get that back.", Megatron answered.

Ayla sighed sadly. She wanted to know what she looked like. Unknown to her, that sadness went over a bond with Megatron.

"What's wrong?", Megatron asked.

"I don't remember what my true self looks like.", Ayla said sadly.

"You look a lot like me. The only difference between us is that your a femme and you have no scars on your faceplate.", Megatron said, hoping to cheer her up.

"Thanks.", Ayla smiled, "Hey, you wanna know something funny?"

"What's that?", Megatron asked.

"I'm so strong, I can dent your door with a simple knock. Why is that?", Ayla asked.

"You have more strength than I do since you have Dark Energon in your veins.", Megatron answered.

"But I know you have a shard in you! It's in your veins now too!", she said.

"We might have equal strength now that I have a shard in my spark chamber, but when you were a sparkling, you had a lot more strength then I did. Even at the age of two, you could life the couch!", Megatron chuckled.

"Really?", Ayla asked.

Megatron nodded, "But there is one thing that you never knew."

"What's that?", she asked.

"Soundwave is your older brother. I adopted him before you were born. We didn't even know your carrier was sparked until after we adopted him. He felt like he didn't belong with us until we treated him like our son and that he was part of the family. He didn't feel like a fourth wheel after that.", Megatron smiled.

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