Chapter Two: Mr. Sexy Bass

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  • Dedicated to Mia, for reminding my that writing helps

Since I've been to the Mall of America multiple times, it's not that big of a deal for me anymore. But when I see the faces of newcomers, it seems like they're little children, even though they may be way older than me. They look at the big red, white, and blue star with the words "Mall of America underneath, and a large smile graces their faces. I imagine they're thinking about how it looks on the inside. I was overwhelmed the first time I went. Stores lined every wall, ranging from clothes to food to sex shops (I dragged Emi in there for fun once.....I think I scarred her for life.) The things in every store were different and there were even full-fledged, big name stores, like Bloomingdale's and Best Buy. I thought to myself, "How in the world am I going to be able to go into all of these places?" Even now, I don't think I've seen ever store in there. Heck, I think there still building some new ones too. 

Emi and I walked into the mall and saw a huge mob of fangirls. "Guess we weren't the only ones who thought of showing up early..." she mumbled with disdain. I patted her lightly on the shoulder before telling her that we could go get something to eat before the show starts. She complied and we made our way over to Doc Popcorn. They had multiple flavors, sweet butter, cinnamon, kettle, caramel, cheddar, and other things that I can't remember. I asked for a large combination of butter cinnamon and kettle. My favorite. We sat down at a bench close to the popcorn store. 

"So how does it feel for you?" she asked through a mouthful of food. I raised an eyebrow to show that I had no idea what she was talking about. She swallowed her food and spoke more clearly, "To be back here in America. To me it feels like we never left. Like the whole trip to Japan was just a dream." Her eyes narrowed in thought as she finished her statement. 

"Mm," I hummed. "I kinda feel the same way. I mean, it's been my dream to visit there for so long., and it went way past my expectations, but I just feel like I'm missing something. Like I should still be over there." 

She smiled. "I guess this means we'll have to go again one day, right?" 

We continued to eat in a comfortable silence between us until we saw 4 guys running past us, yelling at each other about being late because of "this" or "that." This prompted Emi to look at her phone before screaming at me about how we're going to miss the concert. I swore quietly as I rolled up the bag of popcorn and threw it in my messenger bag. Emi grabbed my arm and started pulling me through the crowds of people in our way. They gave us annoyed glances and sometimes even shouted foul words, but Emi just kept trudging along without a backwards glances. I mumbled apologizes to the unlucky shoppers in our pathway. My mind kept drifting back to the boys who ran past us. They all looked to be around my age, if not maybe a year or two older. I wish they weren't in such of a hurry, maybe me and Emi could've talked to them. They sure were attractive... 

Emi shook my arm violently, trying to get my attention. I looked around and saw that we were near the front of the stage. "See!" she exclaimed. "I told you we'd be up in the front." 

"We're just lucky those guys ran past us," I laughed lightly. "You would've made us late." 

"Oh shut it. I would've figure it-" she gasped and started pointing at the stage while jumping up and down. "Hanna! Hanna! Look, they're starting!" 

Like I said before, all the band members had masks on their faces to protect their identities. The signer, who wore a plain black mask that only covered the top half of his face (probably so that he'd be able to sing,) has short curly blond hair and dark pink lips. He walked out on stage and started messing with the mic stand. His mask said "Careful." 

Following him was the drummer and the guitarist. The drummer's mask covered all of his face, save for his eyes, and wavy black hair fell down to the tips of his shoulders. His word was "level." The guitarist was really adorable, from what I could see. His body stature seemed like that of a 14 year-old's. Small arms, and legs that looked like they could snap with the smallest amount of pressure. His hair was a light brown with a few blond highlights in it. I could tell by the way that he walked out onto the stage that even though he's done multiple concerts, it still amazes him. That, or he's scared stiff. His masked said "less." 

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