Right across from me, there was an empty bed and to my left, I came faced with Wib who was looking down at me. His electric blue eyes were searching my face and position.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" I signed and spoke to him. No response. "Where's Tyler?"

He didn't reply. Maybe he forgot Tyler's sign name that was recently been used...so I spelled out his name and still, there was no reply. I started to worry and get nervous. The heart monitor clearly noticed because the heart rate rose and I got so fed up that I ripped the IVs and cords out of my arm, sending a large alarm to go off, I stood up from the bed and brushed past Wib to get to the door. As soon as I grabbed the handle, the alarm stopped and a new noise began.

"We're not safe out there," an unfamiliar voice said. I spun around immediately.

"Did you just-?" He spoke. My brother spoke for the first time ever. How was that possible!? He wasn't-He can't-How is-

I started backing away from him in confusion. What was going on? Why was I here? Where was Tyler? Why and how could Wib be speaking? Did that mean he could hear as well?

The loud alarm rang out again for a long time and Wib figured that all the answers to my mental questions could be answered by a tight hug. He tucked my head into his chest. As much as I didn't know what was going on, I was sure as hell going to find out. I released away from him and then rushed to the door. I opened it and saw paparazzi everywhere. I thought someone famous might be here, but then quickly found out that their interests lay within me. They all stood up and started snapping pictures and asking questions. I started to see white and gray haze over the crowd.

Someone grabbed my arm lightly and started to pull me away; my parents. I started asking questions and checked to make sure Wib was following us. We arrived into another hospital room.

"Mom, Dad, what's going on?" I asked, looking between them. My mom towed me to the bed and I sat down, willingly, not liking this stupid, hospital exposure.

"Sweetie, you were in a car accident last night..." my father started. A car accident?

State football game. Kiely. Tyler. Wilbur. Traffic. Kiss. Scream. Tyler. Engine. Headlights. CRASH.

As I remembered, I started to freak out. I remembered the glass shattering and the car flipping onto others. I remembered my bones breaking and hearing my muscles tear. I remembered my brain rattling around and my sights being impossibly set on my backside with pain in my neck.

I didn't want to remember Tyler's injuries and I'm glad I didn't.

"Where's Tyler?" I asked them. They looked down. I even looked over to Wib, whose eyes were locked with mine. Suddenly, the door opened and a trio of nicely dressed, men in black arrived. Wib immediately stepped by me.

"Who are you?" I asked them. I looked to my parents. "Who are these men and where is Tyler?"

"Tyler Lane died on scene," the tall man informed with no sympathy in his voice.

Tyler Lane died on scene.

The first three words broke me to a point that I didn't think was possible. The clarification of him being my boyfriend was debatable, but I loved him more than any other friend. He was one of my best friends and it broke me to hear this news. Just like it hurt me to sign those same words to Wib for his understanding. But emotional pain was written on his face like mine.

"So where do we go now, Phillip?" my father asked.

"Well, there will be a plane in an hour and a boat waiting-"

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