| chapter 15 - manager

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CLOUDS WERE DRIFTING lazily across the sky as Howaito pedaled through the streets towards Seirin. His glasses were promptly set on his face and there was no more trace of the dark persona he seemed to have the day before. Vaguely aware of his surroundings, Howaito tried to remember what had happened the day before but to no avail. He just couldn't seem to remember anything after being knocked down by one of those delinquents on the court.

'I must have fainted somehow, but that doesn't explain why I woke up in my apartment as if it were some dream,' he furrowed his eyebrows. The feeling of not knowing was one he especially disliked, something probably picked up from his former captain, Akashi. He was so deep into thought, that he only heard a "Hey!" before almost crashing into one of the Amachi triplets. At the last moment, he had swerved and fell on his side with a small groan. The three brunettes rushed to his side, looking down on him with worry.

"Are you alright Howaito-kun?" Takumi questioned slowly as if questioning an untamed lion. The silvernette merely gave him the usual grin, picked himself up from the ground, and brushed himself of.

"Just fine Takumi-kun," Howaito walked his bike alongside the triplets as the school gates came into sight. There were less students wandering around when they arrived since it was mostly club members attending their practices or meetings there at the early, current time. Takeshi and Takuma seemed a bit on edge as their eyes shifted to Howaito every few seconds and kept their distance from the silvernette. Takumi tried to behave as normally as possible, but even he wasn't sure how to approach Howaito who seemed to behave as if nothing that happened yesterday occurred. The silvernette in question just seemed to be spaced out, oblivious to the uneasiness the triplets displayed.

"Hey Howaito-kun and Amachi-kuns! Good morning!"

They were greeted by Furihata who was arriving by the gate about the same time as they were.

"Ohayo senpai~!"
They all greeted in unison towards him which caused Furihata to internally cheer for the respect that they showed him.

'I'm an upperclassman now!' He thought to himself proudly. The Amachi triplets just stared blankly at him as it seemed the former first-year was lost in his own world of self-accomplishment. Meanwhile, Howaito glanced at the time on his phone. The time glared back at him from the screen, causing him to hurriedly get onto his bike. 

"I've got to go put my bike in the racks, so I'll just meet you guys at the gym!" Howaito waved them off as he furiously pedaled to the said area. He gave a sigh of relief as he put it into place.

"There~ now I have just about enough time to make it to practice," Howaito fondly stated. The gym that the basketball team practiced in was about a 10-minute walk from where the racks were since it was a fairly large campus.

His peaceful thoughts were soon cut short as he heard a commotion at the corridor near him.

"Oi watch where you're going!" A wide-framed second-year, probably from the wrestling team Howaito assumed, yelled irritably at a girl with orange-red sprawled on the floor.

"S-sorry! But I think the same should go for you! Your bulk could be a bit troublesome you know," the orange-haired replied, but quickly clasped her hands over her mouth as if the words had slipped out in a different way than she had wanted to.

The second-year bent down but was still slightly above her eye-level.

"What did you say? I'll have you know that this 'bulk' is part of the wrestling team so-"

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