Chapter 12- Kaijo and the Appearance of Carrot-Senpai!

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After the whole fiasco of writing his goal out and becoming yet another mystery of Seirin, Howaito and the Amachi triplets were currently in basketball practice but their coach wasn't anywhere.

"Eto... where's Coach, Hyuuga-senpai?" Howaito asked their captainas the team took a water break.
"She's probably busy scheduling us a practice match," Hyuuga replied as he took a sip of water from his water bottle. A towel was draped around his neck. The Amachi triplets walked into the gym after buying some more water from the vending machine.

"We just saw Coach in the hallway," Takumi informed them as they handed out more water, "Is it normal for her to skip when she schedules a practice match then?" Some of the third years did a spit-take at he information.

"Who's she paired us up against?" Koganei wondered out loud as Mitobe just silently nodded in agreement.
"They must be quite strong for Coach to skip again," Kuroko commented and Kagami and the Amachi triplets jumped at his sudden appearance since they were closest to him.

"Even after a year you still like doing that!" Kagami roared at Kuroko comically while Kuroko kept a blank face.

"No you're just not as used to my presence after the break, Kagami-kun," Kuroko replied bluntly as he kept a blank face. Kagami looked like he wanted to strangle Kuroko but stopped as he saw Riko skipping in.

"Good news boys~ We got another practice game with Kaijo~" she said happily as she entered. Kagami smirked at being able to challenge Kise again but stops as Riko gives him a look.

"You won't be playing much Kagammi-kun since this is just a practice match and we need to test out our first years," Riko told him, causing Kagami to sulk in disappointment. Kuroko quickly jabbed him in the side.

"Stop sulking. You're a senpai now," Kuroko monotonously reprimanded Kagami as he flinched from Kuroko's jab.
Howaito and the Amachi triplets sweat dropped at the scene but couldn't wait to have their first practice match. Howaito was almost trembling in anticipation.

'I'll finally be able to show you the results of your tips and training senpais!' He thought excitedly.

~Le Timeskip by Bakagami!~

The Amachi triplets gaped at the sheer size of Kaijo's school while the second and third years weren't as impressed since they had already seen it and Howaito had visited his senpais' schools since he had been scouted by them.

"You can really tell this is a school for their sports clubs!" Takeshi exclaimed as he gazed at the huge gym ahead of them. His brothers just nodded in agreement as they entered the gym.
The sound of basketball shoes squeaking on the ground and a bouncing basketball echoed through out the gym as the Kaijo basketball team practiced. The sound of fan girls could be heard from the bleachers of the Kaijo gym yelling out, "KISE-KUN!" and other things like that, annoying the basketball members practicing except a certain blonde model who waved at his fangirls every once in a while with a smile on his face except the only thing different from last year to this year was that he was taking practice seriously.

The Seirin team entered the gym and Kaijo's coach nodded at them in respect, so different from last year where he just made them a side-show for practice until Kagami had broken the hoop. Howaito knew all this because he had been watching Kuroko's progress throughout the year but had never confronted Kuroko about it because he did not want to intrude on his senpai's goal. Kise enthusiastically went over to them,

"I can't wait to start playing with you guys again-ssu!"Kise enthusiastically told them as he specifically went near Howaito, Kuroko, and Kagami, "Of course I also want to see what made Akashi-cchi so interested in you Howaito-cchi." His demeanor suddenly became more intense as he narrowed his eyes challengingly at Howaito. Howaito responded with a slight smirk as he looked up at his copycat of a senpai.

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