Chapter 6

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I woke up around 4 in the morning and went for a jog with my mom, I spoke to her about Sam and how she cheated and mom's best advice was to observe my options and then carefully decide, basically take my time. I thanked her, she's always open to help me with anything and that's why I love her.

Dad left me when I was around 6 so I don't have much memory of him and I'd like to keep it that way. I didn't go on some big search to find his whereabouts, if he wanted to be in my life then he would have made the effort. Mom took the role of both parents and she did a pretty damn good job by herself.

We ran for two hours and made our way back home, mom went to the kitchen to get a bottled water, "Pass one over here, please?"
She threw a water and I caught it and turned on the TV, spongebob was showing. It was a childhood show and mom couldn't watch it with me anymore since she was always busy so I was shocked when she sat beisde me. A smile crept upon my lips and she notice, "I'm sorry, Claire. I don't usually get to do this with you anymore and I really miss it. So much is going on in our lives that we don't have time for the ones most important to us."

What she was saying was true, when last did I really have a conversation with my mom, my life. I hugged her and she tensed because of the unusual feeling but she soon loosened up and hugged me back. A rare but memorable mother daughter moment. We watched a few more episodes of spongebob but she had to leave for work so I decided to blast some music since I had the house to myself.

I had a few missed call from Stacey, Megan and Sam. What could they possibly want? I needed a break from them so I raised the volume on the stereo system. Songs from Alkaline and Kevin Gates sounded through the speakers causing the wine glasses and other stuff to vibrate.

We wrong for each other but we perfect inna way....

The line from Alkaline's song 'How It Feel' kept repeating in my head. I contemplated on talking to Sam, should I?

I sighed after I sat down from my dancing on the coffee table, what was I going to do? I heard the door bell ring and a knock on the door came right after. It was 7:30, who could that be and what did they want? I groaned, can't I have a minute for myself? Actually, I've had hours for myself but I wasn't ready to face reality.

"Look, Claire. I know you're in there. So can you please open the door and let me explain? I'm sorry, babe. I fucked up, I know but I want to tell you face to face." Tears started to sting my eyes as my questions were answered, Sam was here ready to apologize and I did the most cowardice thing someone could do. I ran.

I ran to get a coat and out the back door, destination- Jess's bar. She was my only escape and since I couldn't drink my problems away why not run to the person who makes me feel better even for a little while?

I took a bus down the highway and it dropped me off at the corner, I couldn't face Sam, not now at least. It was 8:30 on my watch, I was a bit nervous. What if she was busy? I sighed, I had reached the door but decided on going back home, what was I thinking? As I walked in the opposite direction I heard someone call out my name, I turned to see Jess with a huge smile on her face, it made me smile back.

"Hey, I just got a break and I saw you by the door. Were you leaving?" her smile became small as she asked.

"Um, I didn't know if you were busy or something. You know, since we scheduled for 9 and it's like 8. I can come back if you like." I let out a nervous laugh, I couldn't be serious right now. Rambling? She must think I'm stupid.

I face palmed myself and she just laughed, I peeped through my fingers to see her looking at me, her head slightly tilted. "You're cute. Come on, it's fine. Like I said, I just got my break. So what do you wanna do?"

"Um, well, we can have some shots and just talk until you have to start back your shift?" She accepted the suggestion and we went back inside the bar and took our seats. Shots of henny and vodka passed our way and we threw it back like pros, laughing and simply enjoying each other's company.

I learnt that she lived alone, each of her tattoos had a meaning, she loved poetry, she turned 20 a month ago, same age as Sam, and her mom and dad disowned her at 16 when she came out about being gay. I told her that the most important people are those who can accept you for you, flaws and all.

"Flaws and all!" she toasted and we clinked glasses before swallowing another bitter shot. I had a great time, it definitely took my mind off of Sam's sudden appearance. But soon I'd have to face reality and not run from it or drink it away, but for now, "Bottoms up!"

*Later that night*

Jess had dropped me home and since we couldn't walk without the other, she carried me up to my bedroom. We stumbled on the stairs and laughed at everything but I had to shush her each time while stiffling my own. I opened my door and she led me over to the bed.

She tried putting me to lie down but some how we ended up on the floor with a loud thud. It happened fast but time slowed as I stared into her eyes. Her eyes wandered down to my lips and I bit it, clearly turning her on since she smashed her lips against mine in a second. It was full of lust but it wasn't forced, I kissed her back.

We stayed there for a while but a sudden knock on the door took us out of our make out session. I laughed when Jess sobered up, her face expression was priceless, like a kid whose been caught doing something wrong. I giggled and brought Jess back to the realization that she was still over me, how cute.

She helped me up and introduced herself to my mom as Jess Carter to which my mom exchanged an introduction of her own in an unexpectedly polite way, "Well, goodnight, to you to. My name's Dorthy Jackson."

Jess chuckled, nervously scratching the back of her head, "Well, um, I guess I should be going now. Do have a pleasant night." She made her way out my room, down the stairs and into her car in which she sped off in. A worried expression plastered on my face, she shouldn't be driving. I hope she reaches home safe.

"Had fun?" my mom questioned with a smirk and raised eyebrow. I blushed and kissed her goodnight, "Go back to sleep mom."

I flopped down on my bed and squealed like a little girl who's just been asked to a school dance or something. I bathed and brushed my teeth before changing into my sleeping clothes which was an underwear and a vest.

I went downstairs to get a cup of iced water before making my way back up to my room and closing the door. I took a sip and lied back down on the bed, comfortable and ready to sleep but my phone just had to ring.

My face lit up when I saw that it was Jess calling, "Hey, Jess Carter. Hope you're home safe." I giggled at her full name, it suited her. "Ah, Miss Claire Jackson. I'm home in one piece, thank you for asking."

I giggled again at her mock formality, I seemed to be doing this often recently.

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