Chapter 4

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The party starts at 9, mom will be home by 12 and Sam would be off work by 7. Everything was planned out, I was going to wear a mid-thigh, midnight blue, skin-hugging dress and some black pumps, diamond stud earrings and Stacey would do some curls in my hair.

Megan would also be wearing a dress but it would be a red, flare out dress that was short and suites her personality just right. Crimson pumps, a matching purse and her red hair would be in a messy bun. Stacey would be wearing a very short, strapless, purple, fitted satin dress, with nude color pumps and her black hair will cascade down her back in a fish tail braid.

I can't wait to see what Sam would be wearing, whatever she wears tonight is sure to be absolutely handsome, I gushed at the thought. Stacey, Megan and I wasted away the day singing karaoke and watching The Originals series, mom had not too long reached home and was already preparing something to eat.

The four of us ate mom's mouth watering lasagna and Megan offered to wash the dishes. She was the motherly one but she had a feisty attitude, Stacey sat at the island with me while watching Megan wash dishes. Stacey was girly just like me but she was more down to earth than I was, couldn't help it if I was a spoiled child. I would say I'm the closest thing to perfect but Sam beat me to it, I blushed at the thought. I check the time, it was 6:30, just now I will get a call from Sam and we'd go get ready.

Time flew by and Sam had called, she would be here any minute to carry us. The girls and I were already dressed and were taking pictures while waiting for Sam to reach here. We looked absolutely gorgeous in our dresses and mom couldn't stop taking photos like if she was some kind of photographer. "Bright smiles everybody." the light of the camera flashed the same time we heard Sam honking outside.

We squealed and kissed mom goodbye and left for the party. Sam was wearing a black jeans, a Jordan on her feet, a midnight blue t-shirt and a Fisher's hat with her curly hair to the sides of her face. I swear I drooled a little when I saw her leaning on the car door, talk about power couple.

We made it to the party and were immediately separated. Megan, Stacey and I were pulled away by our other friends while Sam was left with her dude friends and other lesbian chicks. I hated being away from her but we came here to enjoy ourselves and that's exactly what we were going to do. "Bottoms up!" I shouted over the blasting music to the crowd of people at my table and swallowed a shot of Hennessy.

I couldn't get my dress dirty so we didn't do much of the games but we made it fun, it's our specialty. I was seeing double- no triple as I took another shot. Stacey had me cracking up when she puked on another girls dress, Megan was the soberest but she kept up with us.

After a while I decided to look for Sam, I needed her since some dudes tried flirting with me, it was disgusting. I almost puked when this one dude with his hand in his pants came up to me and tried touching me with that same hand. What the hell! Like, that's gross on all levels.

I searched everywhere I thought Sam would be, in the kitchen, the backyard, the porch, I doubt she'd be upstairs but I still found myself walking up the steps. She wouldn't leave me, now would she? I thought aloud, I think, my world was spinning, this was going to leave a serious hang over and trust me, that's not the best feeling. I opened a door which revealed some petite girl having sex with this muscular dude, it kind of turned me on but I closed the door immediately. I opened a few others until I reached the last one and without thinking I swung open the door.

Sure enough the girl giving another bitch heads was Sam. Anger, shock and hurt filled my being instantly sobering me up a little. "What the fuck!?" I didn't know how to react so I turned on my heels and stormed out of the party. Someone calling my name was behind me but I quickened my pase, Sam just cheated on me, her girlfriend, the one she said she loved.

"How fucked up can one person be!?" I screamed into the night causing some dogs to bark, tears raced down my cheeks. I probably looked like shit right now but I didn't care, I couldn't stay there and bare the humiliation. A cold breeze blew forcing me to shiver and hug my body in an attempt to radiate warmth. Sam could have been doing that to me right now but, nooo! She found warmth in some hoe's company, more like between her legs, I thought bitterly.

How could she do this to me? Yes, she was drunk but how drunk could she be to look someone else in the face and pleasure her the way she does to me? Surely she had some kind of control over her actions and even if she was that horny why didn't she come to me? I groaned in frustration as I entered a bar. Thankfully, I had my purse with me because then I'd be a complete wreck.

I sat on one of the stools when the bartender asked what I'd like to drink. "Five henny shots, a lime, some salt and if possible some tablets for this stupid headache." I replied while gripping my hair, my head down allowing the tears to fall on the counter. "Hey, you look like shit," the bartender commented. "No, I feel like shit." I sighed. "Let's go get you cleaned up."

With that I followed her to the back after she told someone to take her place, I couldn't even walk straight. I noticed that she had a few tattoos and piercings, it looked great on her. She sat me down on a stool and took a wipe from her bag and cleaned my make up.

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