Chapter 3: What the heel!

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To noelle for being reviving the art of Cherry Knotting! :)

Chapter 3: What the heel!

Aria's spray painted black sneakers made an appearance before she did.

Natalie had been waiting for her outside the club since she got here.

"Just like I thought", she muttered to herself when Aria stepped out of her Infinti G Convertible and came into view.

Aria who was busy smirking at the people ogling at her car didn't see Natalie approach. She jumped when Natalie grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the front door of the club without warning.

"Wha--what?? What's...going on?", spluttered Aria, glancing back at where Devon was standing watching them.

His brows were furrowed in confusion as he watched the girls disappear into the club, one sporting a look of determination and the other - plain confusion.

Devon thought he caught the words "Kidnap!" just as the door shut close. He smiled, shook his head and went in after flashing the bouncer his fake ID. That's probably the only illegal thing he ever did besides underage drinking.

He never drinks and drives neither does he allow others to. He has never gotten in a fight. Ever! Even when he was a kid! Has never crossed the speed limit on a road. Infact, he makes sure he stays atleast 10 below it. He has never seen the outside of a jail. Never shoplifted. The guy hardly ever watches porn. That's how particular he is about the law.

In his words, that little wait makes him feel incredibly proud of doing it. If he had his way, he would never enter a club or touch anything alcoholic but those are some of the many perks of being Aria Williams' best friend.

The inside was flashing with lights like any other club. The bar stood out though. It wasn't like most clubs, dark or strip lighted. It had glasses hanging upside down from the low ceiling. The glasses had little lights hung inside them which illuminated the bar. The bartenders were all in black wife beaters, serving up the large crowd that had gathered at the opening.

The counter tops behind the bartenders were lined with an array of glasses holding different colored liquids- a museum display of all the drinks they offered. And they had quite many!

Devon's eyes glided past the bar and towards the leather couches adjacent to it. They were in all black with low tinted glass top tables in front. Several lone lounge chairs were scattered in the place.

To the far corner his eyes fell upon jet black hair that undoubted belonged to Zach.

"Hey man!", greeted Noah when he saw Devon approaching. He was seated next to Alex, his fingers playing with the rim of the glass holding his drink. The navy blue button down he was wearing brought out the baby blue that were his eyes.

Alex was being her usual self in jeans, skinny ones for a change, and a t-shirt that said "Pervert!" in black, standing out on its sky blue base. She was never one for pink and dresses weren't a word in her dictionary. Thanks to her designer sister-in-law who adored her petite figure, she had all the newest styles even before the stores did and man did she do injustice to them.

Natalie and Alex were never two peas in a pod but if Natalie were ever to lay eyes on the back of Alex's closet she would commit a murder. And thats saying too much for a girl who has never killed a fly in her lifetime.

Coming back to Alex, atleast she was better than Aria. The girl in question was wearing dirty sneakers, a loose white tee and her favourite ripped shorts to the club she was trying to land a guy in. They were her favourite being another way of saying, she wore them a lot. Emphasis on the lot. How she was thinking of being noticed by guys looking like that was beyond everyone. Especially Natalie.

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