Chapter Five: Mad Season (Part 1)

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"What are we doing here?"

"When inside you will address the Princess properly, you will make no physical contact and if any rules are broken... I will personally cut your penis off and choke you with it! Understood!?" The Knight threatened as Ryder stood squashed between the cold stone wall and the large man whose breath could be smelt from a mile away. "I'm not sure I could ever understand the desire to do such a thing." Ryder retorted as he tried to steer his face away from the warm musky breath of the Knight. "I forgot to mention. Crass remarks will also lead to said castration!" Ryder stood nodding as he pinched his nose in attempt to block out the stench. The Knight banged on the door. "Yes?" Renae shouted from inside her chambers.

"My Princess, I have the blacksmith you wanted to speak with."

"Send him in." The Knight opened the door and bowed his head to the princess, as Ryder went to enter the room the Knight grabbed him by the arm and lent down to his ear. "Remember what I said. I'll be right out here waiting."

"I get the message." Ryder replied before entering the room, he could smell the sweet scent of candles burning and the fresh air coming from the open balcony. Taking in the surroundings he noticed how beautifully decorated the chambers were, he always thought he was privileged to have such luxurious accommodations but this room was beyond his imagination. Absolutely everything looked as though the creator put their blood, sweat, tears and soul into it. The Princess' bed consisted of a large decorated frame with golden vines twirling around the beams that reached the ceiling. Although stunning, the room was nothing compared to the woman about to greet him. "Beats the tower doesn't it?" Renae whispered as the Knight shut the door behind him. "How did you do this?" Ryder asked as he followed the Princess out onto the balcony.

"I told the guards I needed to speak with you, concerning a wedding gift for Jonathan."

"Smart... It just means more work for me." He smiled as he accepted the glass of wine from Renae. Each star could be seen across the night sky, summer was beautiful in this part of the Horse's Head. The whole of the South was beautiful. "They shine gracefully tonight don't they?" Renae asked as she noticed Ryder studying the stars and finishing his wine already. "Or you could say that they burn fiercely."

"Wow, that was...dark."

"Forgive me... It's been a mad season." Renae took Ryder's hand and moved in closer. "Why did you change your mind, about us meeting?" She questioned as Ryder pulled his hand from Renae's and slouched back against the wall. "I... I needed to know if. – Ryder looked to the ground and closed his eyes as he tried to think of the best way to word his question – That kiss, after we escaped. I needed to know if." Renae interrupted Ryder in mid-sentence as she pushed herself against him. She then ran her fingers along his face and then up and through his hair. He looked back at her with temptation, confusion and lust in his eyes. "Renae. – He whispered as he placed his hands on her hips – we can't." Ignoring his statement she continued to outline his upper torso with her fingertips. His eyes rolled as he tilted his head back, his fingers and toes constricted in pleasurable regret. "Renae, we can't." He whispered, not putting up much fight. "The God's have already maddened your season, allow me to sooth it." Renae said in a tone that erected the hairs on Ryder's neck. Giving in to the temptation he placed his hand on Renae's face, he then ducked his head down and kissed her. His heart beat grew aggressive as Renae's whole body chilled, the two explored each other with their hands and lips. Their temperature grew as they aroused one another. Renae pulled Ryder from the balcony into the room. He still held back with the very last bit of power he had left. Giving in for the second and last time he pushed her down onto the bed and began to kiss her neck. Renae pulled her robes open to reveal her naked body, it was smooth, delicate and perfect. "It's as though the God's sculpted you themselves." Ryder's words shocked her senses as her body curled in pleasure. Ryder removed his leather chausses as Renae slid her hand up his white, loose shirt. "The guards are right outside. We can't do this here." Ryder said as he snapped out of the lust momentarily. "They won't come in unless I command them. Jonathan is to be kept outside if he comes, because of the wedding gift." Ryder smiled at Renae, he lent back down and resumed kissing her. Rapidly they both fell back into their uncontrollable state of fiery desires, Renae developed goose bumps everywhere Ryder's skin came into contact. Renae gripped the sheets and shook in pleasure as Ryder slowly entered her until their bodies met. The intense pleasure overwhelmed them. Their heads swirled in thought. Thinking the same thing that they were both afraid to say. Surrounded by dim light flickering softly they revelled in gratification, gusto aided the perplexity of the matter.    

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