Chapter Thirteen: Portrait of Disdain:

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Pressure brewed within the Castle to an almost frenzied hysteria. Few sun rises remained until the union of the two most powerful families would commence. A traditional matrimony would be the face of it, but the history was deeper, darker... and deadlier. The future didn't look so bright either; survival came first, above all. Only the closest could see the twisted truth, so only the closest could ready themselves.

Ghost sat scowling the room, in anticipation he circled his thumbs around one another whilst he sat back in his dark gloomy chair. Bare stone walls accompanied him with that same stubborn look that he pulled as frequently as he took breath. He was absent of the jewels that smothered his predecessors throughout the history of the role that he retained. He sat, speculating the information that the young maid had delivered, a short while ago. The events she spoke of bewildered him as he could not see logic in the expensive information that he had just purchased.

Jonathan rudely burst through the door, ranting about the inconvenience Ghost had caused by the request of his presence. "Sit." Ghost firmly urged." Jonathan shook his head out of frustration before throwing himself into the chair. "As you can imagine, I am a busy man with a large amount of things that beckon my attention. If you wish to break words then go. Don't bother lubricating them, quick and straight please." Jonathan insisted. "I do not have time or the patience to tell you everything that is wrong with your utterance. Nor do I have time to mock your unintentional sexual confession." Ghost remarked, absent of emotion.

"Oh you always have been a whimsical one my lord. Just get to it." Ghost nodded and leant forward toward Jonathan. "You are destitute to vision. Mindless and impassive to ongoing contrivances that I have profoundly composed for the- for your greater good. As always you leave a long line of faecal matter over my endeavours." Jonathan frowned with his eyes widened. "You pulled me away from my dealings to tell me that you feel as though I have taken a shit on your work? You have always been mentally strange but this... this has ruined my day." Jonathan retorted in a scornful tone. Ghost slammed his hand down on the table and shook his head. "Everything I have done has been in support of your efforts. I have been pertinently handing you information that without your discreet doings could have been a critical hit to your prominence. Instead, drastic actions are executed that time after time hacks at the foundations of your own family's servitude. These continuing episodes are noticed by the people, and myself. Beating a blacksmith in the streets that the people considered innocent? Sending Knights into the forest after him? He'd perish in the unknown within a week but you couldn't seek satisfaction with fact! Diminishing Roberts's title was a smart move but what you have done to that poor girl... I cannot begin to construe the repulsion that struck when I discovered this news. You, Jonathan, You have gone too far." Jonathan screwed his face and diverted his sight away from Ghost.

"How did you come to be so...illuminated?" He asked in a tone that drew attention to his guilt. "That is not of your concern. I will make sure that this abomination is repressed. If anybody discovered this tactlessness assault you would never, achieve your goals! Now leave... I will summon you when I wish to speak." Jonathan sheepishly made his way to the door. "My lord..." He nodded before delicately shutting the door behind him.

Ghost arose from his chair and lightly strolled to the other side of the table where he sat down and began to nod his head. Very slowly a smirk emerged on his cold, dishonest face. He continued to nod his head, self rewardingly, Enraptured by his ploy.

* * *

The temple of the Gods stood elegant and proud in the centre of Stallion castle, decorated in the finest and most angelic treasures found in the Horse's Head. Relics could be seen displayed beautifully throughout the temple, unless they were taken out for war, this was their eternal home. The slightest sound would amplify and echo, eventually dieing down and restoring the room to its eerie silence. In just a few days this giant and silenced temple would change, the wedding's guests would fill the hall three times over. Renae preyed on her knees to the trio of statues, request a different blessing from each god. Her tears poured down onto her lap relentlessly whilst her weeps reverberated from wall to wall. She mumbled under her breath, begging for a blessing, for safety to be delivered. Only not for herself...

"What did I do to deserve this?" She mumbled as her sob heavily intensified.

"What do any of us do to deserve the hand we're dealt?" Renae didn't need to turn to see who the approaching man was, she knew her Father's voice. She continued to sob with her head in her hands, in emotional and physical pain. "Tell me Daughter... Why are you here? Breaking before the God's, they do not bless the broken." The King informed her as he walked toward her. He stood besides her looking up at the statues. "Huh? Why are you here Princess?" He asked again, still gazing up.

"I am afraid." She whispered as she wiped her tears away. The King shook his head.

"I am afraid..." He replied spinning his hand in a circular motion whilst still looking away from Renae. "I am afraid, Your Grace." The King nodded with a grin.

"Of?" He asked abruptly.

"I am scared Father! The wedding! Jonathan! Everything!" She yelled back at him, emotional and distraught. "Well. I'd suggest getting on top of that fear. Because it's all happening." The King turned around and headed out of the temple. "He attacked me!" She screamed as she remained on the floor. The King slowly walked toward her and crouched down in front of her. He looked directly into her eyes, it had been years since Renae experienced it, her Father... looking into her eyes. "What?" She wiped the tears from her eyes again and attempted to speak clearly. "He... he raped me." The King turned his face so that she could not see him. "I am going to pretend you did not say that, I would suggest you using your imagination to forget too."

The King refused to look at her as he walked away with his head held high. Renae jumped to her feet and pursued her Father. She called for his attention but received nothing. She managed to get ahead of her Father as she tried to hold onto him and stop him from leaving. "Father! Please... Look at me!" The King stopped and looked down into her eyes once again. A rouge tear ran down his cheek flowingly. A warmth filled Renae as she held onto her Fathers arms. "Renae." The King softly spoke under his breath. Renae nodded and attempted to reduce the small amount of distance that remained between the two. Her Fathers arms just hung beside him. "You, right here... is the reason that your Mother is not. Forget the lies that you have spoken, and I will ignore the way that you have conducted yourself in front of your King." He placed his hands on the top of Renae's arms and shifted her to the side of him, before finally exiting the temple. Renae stood frozen, dismayed and withdrawn.

Moments later Robert approached Renae from behind a pillar on the far side of the temple and wrapped his arms around the Princess. He pulled her close into his chest, her tears had ceased but she was broken. "My lady; let us get you back to your chambers." He said as he supportively held her tightly, partly to sooth her and partly to prevent her from dropping to the floor.

As the two made their way out of the Temple the maids followed, as did the Knight that had filled Robert's former position.

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