Chapter Four: Clashing Steel

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The people of the castle were always assiduous, but it had never been anything like this. Over the past few weeks the staff had doubled, the guards tripled and everybody was engrossed in preparations for expectedly the biggest wedding of the century. The two most powerful families in the kingdom would unite. Renae counted the days. The days she had left as an unmarried and unbroken Woman. Stallion castle was full, yet Lords, Ladies and soldiers were still heading towards Mouth’s End. Some people feared the true meaning of the marriage, even some who were the closest. Nothing is ever as it seems and in a world so dark, everything is a strategic move. Tension formed within the ranks. The highest and the lowest, the military and the political all had their eyes open wide. The people grew anxious, as only 14 nights remained.

“My Princess, I passed Ryder in the corridors. He said I should deliver this to you. – the lady in waiting handed the princess a letter- he said something else. There is always more than meets the eye.”

“Thank you. Did he not say anything else?” Renae asked as she astutely inspected the envelope. “Just that you would understand, if you looked deep enough.” Renae frowned in confusion. “Thank you Mary. Before you leave… I want to apologise.”

“My Princess, I serve you. There is and never will be a need to apologise to me.” The princess smiled back. “No, my actions before… they put you at risk and got one of you hurt. I care for all people and it was foolish of me to place you in harms way.” Renae leaned toward her lady and took her hand. “You have always served me well Mary, please forgive me.” The lady bowed before Renae.

“Thank you. My Princess.” Renae waited for the lady to leave before she opened the letter.

My Princess,


I would like to congratulate you. May your marriage be strong and be all you

Need. Love and honour is everything the kingdom seeks. I would also like

To say that I will be truly proud to witness the occasion. I must say to

See such an event will bring me unbelievable joy and a beautiful story to tell of

You and to use to educate my future children.

Tonight I prey for us all to find something as truly great as what you have.


Yours truly,

                       Ryder Smith.


Ryder and Renae both received better education than most people throughout the kingdom, but Renae noticed how poorly the letter was written. Following Ryder’s orders she looked deeper. The unnecessary new lines with capitals at the beginning of each of them jumped out at her. She knew Ryder was intellectual and she knew he was fully capable of writing a simple letter. After she noticed the anomaly of each line she began to study the first words.

I would like to congratulate you. May your marriage be strong and be all you

Need. Love and honour is everything the kingdom seeks. I would also like

To say that I will be truly proud to witness the occasion. I must say to

See such an event will bring me unbelievable joy and a beautiful story to tell of

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