Chapter Twelve: Knight In - Knight Out:

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"That should do the trick." Ryder nodded thankfully to Maria; he leant forward to pick up his blood stained shirt. "Don't put that thing back on. I'll find you something." Maria left Ryder sitting by the camp fire to search for some clean clothing. Ryder inspected the bandages wrapped around his ribs and ran his hand across the now covered wound. Half of the village was gathered around the fire, drinking, singing and keeping an eye on the outsider. As far as Ryder could tell, Jack and Maria were in charge. They were also much more trusting than anybody else. The village was enclosed by a large border that consisted of upright, spiked wooden beams. The only exit was the large archway that was guarded at all times. "Here you go lad, put these on. I'm sure jack won't miss them."

"Thank-you Maria." Ryder replied. Maria had given Ryder a tight black gambeson and a grey hooded cloak, a very generous gift. "So... What are your plans?" Maria asked as she sat on the log beside him. She passed Ryder an ale before warming her hands near the fire. Ryder pulled the hood over his head. The temperature had dropped dramatically in the forest, despite the season. "I have no idea. Everything happened in an instance. I haven't had the time to think of my next action." Maria nodded as she looked to the ground. "What do you know of the forests?"

"Nothing... I have never left the city. Even here, – he said as he looked around – looks like nothing I've ever seen."

"Yes. They claim the land has moved into a new age of enlightenment, an age of discovery and advancements. But nothing outside of the city walls has changed... for hundreds of years. Left behind to either buckle to their pressures, or rot into these forests." Ryder turned and looked to Maria; she seemed very cognizant for a person of the wild. "You haven't asked me what it is that I run from." Ryder pointed out as he turned to Maria. "No boy, for it isn't what you run from that defines you... its what you're running to." She replied as she prodded the fire.

"But I'm running blind."

"Indeed. You're lost... but you're not broken. Take from that what you will. But the truth is... your kind are few and far between." Ryder took a prolonged look into the fire whilst nodding slowly; the words she had spoken were true. "Why are you so kind to me?"

"Jack showed me the same kindness. When I too fled from Mouth's End... over twenty years ago." Ryder swiftly turned to Maria; an overwhelming feeling of familiarity soothed him.

"Don't listen lad. I lead with an iron fist!" Jack mocked to undermine Maria's soft portrayal of him. "An iron fist you say?" Maria asked with raised eyebrows and a disbelieving smile. "Yep! Come with me city boy. Lets have a word or two." Ryder stood up and began to follow Jack; he turned to Maria and smiled. She sensed the comfort that he felt from knowing her true past.

"Where ya headed?" Jack asked in a straight forward tone.

"I'll ride with the trader to the next village, decide from there." Ryder replied as he attempted to keep up with Jack's pace. He was short, stocky but an abnormally quick walker. "Trade?" He asked.

"Huh?" Ryder remarked

"Ya trade, what's ya trade city boy."

"I'm a blacksmith." Jack stopped and turned to face Ryder.

"Right... you can stay. Few days till ya health's good. Replenish, earn what ya need. Ya can teach the locals a thing or two. Need some arrow heads. Start tomorrow, first light. Ya can sleep here." Jack strolled off in the other direction before Ryder could even register what he had said. Jack stopped dead in his path and looked back at Ryder. "Oh... And ya wearing my clothes?! Ya can double the arrow heads if ya want to keep em!" Ryder laughed; he held his hand up and nodded in agreement. Jack had given Ryder a small tent to sleep in at the edge of the village, next to the boarder fence. Ryder knew this was much better than being amongst the things that haunted the forests at night.

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