Chapter Eleven: Succinct Incubus: Part 1:

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Darkness dominated the congested forest as the moonlight battled to seep through tiny gaps and deliver very few rays of light. If it wasn't already bad, fog restricted visibility even more so. The trees leaned over in menacing ways, creating shapes of things that spook. As though the trees could sense fear, read minds and mimic shapes to divert people from their paths. Fog caressed the forest floor and could be seen climbing higher, reducing sight to only a few metres. How and when did I get here? Ryder asked himself as he inspected the area. Perplexed and desperate he tried to warm himself. He was naked, cold and his bare feet were sore from the rough terrain. I can't remember anything. He thought as he tried to mentally backtrack. The wound on his side began to discharge a cloudy liquid, infection doubled the pain. In any direction he travelled the forest brought him back to a familiar area, it was almost like it had him... and wouldn't let him go.

Church bells began to chime in the distance, Ryder followed the sounds as quickly as he could. With each chime an insidious memory surfaced, his Father hanging, Renae crying on the cold stone floor. But in-between chimes, notions of a much more detestable vision emerged... the future. After the last chime Ryder found himself lost from the direction of the sound. He stood alone and hopeless.

The few rays of moonlight began to flicker around him, no matter how fast he spun he couldn't keep up with the shadowy movements. He kept himself stationary and silent. Hearing twigs snapping from different directions surrounding him. Almost silent footsteps, four of them, circling their way in. The footsteps were not of mans, and they were coming. That is all that was evident.

The terrain had split and cut Ryder's feet; along with his wound it made it hard to remain silent. Not that it mattered. This Beast? Knew exactly where Ryder was. I can't hide. Ryder burst into a sudden sprint dodging and jumping over obstacles that attempted to stop him. The large shadow galloped after him chasing him through the foggy forest. Ryder looked back. Its big deep, dark, burgundy eyes were all that hovered in the night's blackness. It approached at an alarming speed. Ryder relentlessly sprinted. He glanced down. To the side of him was the beast, hooves twice the size of Ryder's head. It could have had him, numerous times. Instead, it played with his fear like a game.

Gone... The beast vanished in the thick fog. Stood naked and in pain Ryder wondered where he was, was there a way out? And what was that chasing him? Instantly Ryder glanced up and to the left of him. The big dark red eyes glared back from a distance. Ryder broke his stare when the ground began to tremble, throwing him backwards and forwards violently. The beast began to approach him twisting and changing, seemingly unaffected by the ground shaking heavily. Ryder tried to run. One large tremble sent him soaring through the air, smashing down head first at a crushing impact.

* * *

"Eurgh" Ryder groaned as he covered his eyes from the blazing sunlight that shot through the moving treetops. "Sorry to wake ya' there lad. Ground gets a bit bumpy in these parts." Ryder looked around himself, confused by how he ended up in the back of a carriage. "Where am I? And who are you?" The man at the reigns turned to look at Ryder. "Found ya at the edge of the forest on me way back from Mouth's End this morning, passed out. Thank me later. As for me, I'ma travelling trader, go between the city and villages." The man turned back around.

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"Would be, I don't go deep though. An I stick close to the tracks. Take it ya a city boy anyhow."

"How'd you guess?" Ryder asked.

"Looked like ya done a runner. An ya talk like a snobby twat."

Ryder dropped his head back and grinned. The abrupt movement caused a sharp pain in his side.

"Where are we going?" Ryder asked as he lifted up his shirt to inspect the wound. The carriage driver turned and looked at the deep cut.

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