The New Manager

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Hey guys!! SO!! I'm super excited!! AnimeLoverAri follows me, she's reading this, AND she's been voting for my story!!! OMG!!! If you love Yu-Gi-Oh! go read her story The Light Is What You Showed Me, So I'll Show You The Music!! I love it and OMG SHES ACTUALY READING THIS!!!! 😍😍😍😍

Anyway....enough fan girling for now, back to the story!! Here we go!!

Third-person POV:
Yugi sat at home smiling to himself in his room. Yami actually wrote his own song. 'Wow. I'm so proud of him. I wonder what it's about. Is it about me? About us? Maybe it's about what's been going on with him. Maybe it's something really cute!!' He kept saying these kinds of things in his head. Smiling, hoping, and thinking the song was about him. Later he'd find that it was, but that it wasn't a good thing.

Heba sat in the living room and tweaked his song. "Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover. Hey brother, do you still believe in love I wonder..." (Yes I'm changing the lyrics. I did it on the last few as well. But this one I'm changing Bc he doesn't have a sister.) "Ugh!!" He said in frustration and slammed his head on the table. Atem looked over from his cooking and smiled slightly.

"Heba are you ok?" He asked.

"No. Not really. I told Yugi I made a song and I really did. But I haven't finished it yet. It's about him. So I really wanna finish it before.....well.." He stopped when he saw Yugi walking into the living room. He sighed and looked to him in sympathy.

"Atem how do you think it will happen this time?" He turned to his fiancé and smiled a pain filled smile.

"Heba it won't. You heard Yugi. If Yami doesn't change he's gonna leave. I really don't think we will die this time. In fact I know we won't. Trust me." He said with confidence and a genuine smile. Just as he finished his sentence the front door to the game shop opened and Yami walked upstairs.

"Hey mou hitori no boku!" Yugi said and smiled brightly. He got up and went to Yami.

"Hey.." He said and yawned. "Wanna go get some sleep with me?" Yami asked.

"Of course." Yugi said with a sweet smile. "Go ahead. I'll be up there in a minute." He said. Yami nodded and walked off. Yugi walked into the kitchen with Heba and Atem. "Hey Atem, we won't be eating tonight. Yami is tired and asked if I'd come sleep with him. I'm really sorry."

"It's ok Yugi. Now go get some sleep. And make sure my brother is a good cuddle buddy, or I'll kick his butt for ya!" Atem winked at Yugi and Yugi laughed sweetly. He was happy. So happy. He ran to the stairs and up them. When he got inside his room Yami was there waiting for him. He smiled and changed into his night clothes then laid next to Yami. Yami pulled him into a hug and Yugi laid his head on his chest. Soon they both fell asleep.

-The Next Day-
Heba got up and went to the kitchen. He cooked everyone pancakes. They didn't have much time this morning. While the band was practicing they had to go out and search for a new manager. This was Téa's last week in Domino City, then she was off to New York. So that's what Heba, Atem, Yugi, Malik, and Ryou were doing. After cooking he heard footsteps. He turned to see his brother. "Hey Yugi. Good morning." He smiled.

"Morning Heba." He said back with a small smile. "Do you mind getting them up?" He yawned slightly. "I just don't have the energy to fight them." Heba chuckled and bit and nodded. He went upstairs and woke Atem first. He went downstairs and he knocked on Yami's door.

"Yami, it's time to wake up." He called. After hearing nothing he cracked the door open. "Yami?" He asked. After again not getting a response he opened the door completely. Yami was still fast asleep. He walked over to him and shook him slightly. "Yami it's time to get up. Yugi is waiting for you." Yami opened his eyes and yawned.

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