Part 1

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Here's a little story I have worked on when I haven't wanted to do really anything in particular. Its not the most original story but just a short easy read


There he was. Sweat dripping from his forehead, the tension in his moving mussels and best of all he was coming towards me.  My heart was pounding that I thought my weak body would collapse at any moment. This was it. The chance I had been waiting for, the chance to ask him to go out with me. Just as I was about to speak, a black and white ball came zooming past and hit me in the left jaw and sent me crashing to the ground. The last thing I heard was him laughing, “Good shot Dan!”

When I woke up I was in the nurse’s office, with an icepack to my face and another epic fail to add to the list. I had been trying all year to work up the courage just to spend time with Johnny Piers, with no progress. Sitting up, still clutching the cool ice to my face I saw Dryandra. I had heard that she was some science nerd genius or something. She was hunched over a desk across the room from me mixing something together. People had told me she had made potions before, for people who wanted to grow taller or work harder at maths and that they apparently worked. Not that anyone I knew was brave enough to go up and ask.

She swivelled around and walked towards me making me fall backwards back onto the bed. Her dark black hair looked like it was covered in some sort of gel as it shown in the light giving it a greasy look. She wore dark clothes in a Victorian style, like some frilly Lolita Goth doll. She gave me a creepy grin.

“So what do we have here? Mm. A little girl with a one sided love problem. Such a pity, such a pity. If only there was someone to help you find a certain person to love you.” she spook with a clear crystal voice that it almost gave me a heart attack. How did she know I liked Johnny? Was it that obvious? Does that mean she saw me get hit in the face? Err who else saw?  Wait a second. Was she trying to get me to ask her for help? Or did that ball hit something that is making me not think straight? I looked up at her again. I could tell she was waiting for an answer.

“Umm. Could you help me?” I asked still not sure if my brain was working. Her eyes seemed to light up. I wasn’t sure if that light was pure joy or pure evil. Pure evil joy? No, no my brain is defiantly not working. She stretched out her hand, holding a little bottle that looked a whole lot like an ordinary juice carton.  “Ahh, what is that?”

“Ma haha, I’m glad you asked. This is my own little creation for instant love. I’ve only perfected it to last a week, but that’s plenty of time for such a sweet love sick puppy like you, to get your hands on a man. Ma haha,” she laughed again, which was kind of creepy. This made me less inclined to take the juice. She continued to smile as I noticed the little curls at the tips of her hair. “Now all you have to do is go up to Mr Perfect and get him to drink it. After about seven minutes, which is the standard time it takes a healthy human to get the ooey gooey goodness into their blood stream. And there you go, the perfect love. Now dearie you’re probably thinking ‘How am I supposed to get him to drink it?’ Well that’s not my problem, so don’t ask.” Dryandra shoved the carton into my hand.

“Err thank you, but why are you helping me? And how do you know that I like him?” I asked still wary of her and her ‘potion’. She gave another evil chuckle before answering.

“If I know how to make a love drink, the rest is trivial. Now hurry up and get rid of that lump on your face.” I looked to see my reflection on the window and sure enough there was my puffy face.

“Do you have something for my…” I asked before I got cut off.

“I’m not a beauty therapist you know!” she pushed me out of the ward and I only then realize that school had just finished.

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