Blissful Embarrassment

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God damn. Worst half hour of my life.

He did a slow simmer, unlike my mum, who jumped from topic to topic with no real strategy. But my dad, he started off with easy questions; does he work, what were his plans for the future, where was he from etc. Then he started to probe our relationship. How long had we been going out, where did we meet, are we in the same school, and if so, what classes do we have together. And finally, he got to the hard core stuff.

-       What happened to your face?

-       Do you get in fights often?

-       Are you a virgin?

-       Have you ever gotten a girl pregnant?

-       If you got a girl pregnant, would you stay with her?

-       How many girlfriends have you had?

-       How many of them did you have sex with?

-       How far would you ever go with Kiriana?

And worst of all:

Is Kiriana still a virgin?

I shuddered at the memory. Harry’s face grew a deep, deep tomato red, and I was probably about to burst all the blood vessels in my body from how embarrassed I was.

Harry chuckled, taking my hand, and pulling me down the path, and out onto the street. After that final, horrible question, I had fended off any further inquiries by my parents and ushered Harry out of the house, telling them we were going to go for a walk. My mum told me to be safe, and my dad threatened to chop Harry’s balls off if he hurt me.

As if Harry would hurt anyone; let alone me. He’s too damn adorable.

“So um, when are we going to go on that date?” I asked Harry timidly, unsure if it was still on. Harry looked down at me with an easy smile on his face, despite the wounds smattered across his face. I’m glad my dad only really skimmed over the topic of his injuries. Harry mentioned getting into a fight, and getting the b*stard before walking off, and my dad left it at that.

“Well, I really should get down to the police station, get all that stuff over and done with, but once it is, I’m all yours” I hooked my arm through his, leaning into him. A smile played at my lips.

“I’m all yours?” I quoted him, and he stopped us, a playful grin on his face. We stood in front of the park.

“You’re all mine” he whispered huskily, before his lips descended on mine.


Turns out there wasn’t much hassle as Harry thought, when the police asked for his statement, he gave it, ran over everything he’d told me and within a few hours he was free. Steve was locked behind bars, and it seemed all his contacts within the police force wouldn’t pull through this time.

Harry saw him getting sent out of an interview room, and I happened to be looking into the hallway waiting for Harry, when Steve went ballistic.

Steve launched himself at Harry, screaming and yelling, fighting against his cuffs, his fingers extended like claws toward Harry’s face. It took the combined force of 5 police officers to get the tall man away and out of sight.

Harry wrapped his arms around me, making me realise how hard I was trembling. The shaking slowed, and I eventually hugged him back, while he stroked my hair gently. We’d proceeded out of the police station, entering his car, which we had picked up prior to arriving at the station.

That was where Harry officially set the time for our date.

“Alright Kiriana. Eight o’clock, Saturday. Be ready in some semi-casual clothing” Harry ordered me in a no-nonsense tone, and it kinda turned me on a little.

Freedom with Styles (Harry Styles Fan Fiction) [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz