Chapter 17: My Feelings Conveyed Through a Song

Start from the beginning

"No... I want to try something new, so... I'll try this one on." I said.

"It's very pretty! Go ahead, then! Give it a try!" She said with a happy smile.

I made my way to the fitting room, and about a minute later, I got into it. It's actually pretty refreshing for a change, even if it is something different.

"Can I see, Lily?" Michiko said.

"Sure!" I said as I opened the curtains and revealed myself.

"What do you think?" I said.

"You look very pretty! Lord Kaname won't believe his eyes when he sees you in this dress with your hair all done!"

I blushed. I can't wait for tomorrow evening!

"Let's pick out the jewelry, shoes, and mask that go with the dress!" I said.

We quickly were able to pick the shoes and mask, but the jewelry it took me a bit longer because there was a huge variety to pick, and I'm just too excited!

"Ooo, what about this crown? It's really cute and it suits you really well!" She said.

It was a golden crown that had green jewels on it.

I put on the crown and I looked at myself in the mirror. I do look like a princess... I smiled happily.

"And this necklace and bracelet matches you perfectly too!" She said.

We eventually finished picking out the things, and we made our way out of the fitting room.

Kaname was in the living room waiting for me. It seems that he already finished his fitting because for him, it's simply picking out a tuxedo, tie color, and mask.

"So would you both like to stay after for tea and cookies while the others come back?" Michiko said.

"I'm fine, and you Lily?" Kaname said.

I looked up at the time. I have to go to rehearsal...

"Actually, I can't... I have to go to a rehearsal after here." I said.

"Oh! You're the one that's going to sing at the festival tomorrow evening? I can't wait to hear you sing, Lily!" She said excitedly.

"Thanks!" I said happily.

We said our goodbyes and left the mansion, on our way to town to go to rehearsal.

*timeskip, Kaname's PoV*

Lily was on stage practicing the song, and I was captivated by her voice. It's like as she sings the song, she's a different person...

Don't forget that I'm right here....

Believe in me, who believes in you...

"Lord Kaname..." Seiren said, who was behind me.

"Yes, Seiren?" I said as I still continued to watch her rehearsal.

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