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ajax stared at his surroundings in obvious distaste. earth was such a horrible place, with polluted environments and corrupted minds. he hated it. this was his prison, where he was forced to be until he was "better".
he would never be "better" without his lilac.
he would never be "better" without her beautiful smile that could light up a world.
just like how she lit up his world.
but now she was gone, his shining star now diminished, now gone, dead.
although she was such a hero, she did not die a heroic death.
her death was nothing. her death was to prove she was a human, not a god. gods couldn't be with humans. it was protocol, it was the unspoken rule of courtesy. her death was because he disobeyed.
she died because of him.
and how he regretted  that everyday, the weight of her presence on his shoulders, it was unbearable.
he really missed her.
he truly did.

that night, he couldn't sleep.

he was having nightmares of her, again. the same one, where she would fall off a building and out of his grasps.

and he let her.

for ajax was a selfish man, and he knew it. he cherished his selfish-ness, enjoying how everyone had to respect him anyway. he was a greek god, perfect in every way.

normal people longed to be gods, but only few could. oh how people envied them, envied their power, their control over everything, their beauty, their money.


but lilac wasn't like that, you see. she cared about him for what he was, for his personality. she craved his every touch, she craved his dark soul. he craved her fire, the fire burning within her, the fire that would never be able to be extinguished no matter what. she loved to soak up the darkness of him, regardless what the horrible consequences would be. and he loved to play with fire, he didn't care about being burned. oh how she loved him, and how he loved her.

they were each other's drugs, the burning liquid in each other's bodies. the gray smoke in each other's lungs.

they were both sad souls that finally found their happiness, despite the cruel world they lived in. despite their differences, despite the boundaries.

despite each other.



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