augustine petros

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he blended in with the crowd so easily, so painlessly.

maybe because blending in was second nature for him.

maybe it was because of his black hair, as dark as the night sky, as soft as the clothes his parents used to knit for him.

and his dark green eyes, as dark as the pine trees in the forest where he was raised.

and whenever he looked at you, you would fall under his charm, the charm of his green eyes, grasslands captured and put right into his eyes.

his eyes would capture your attention, capture your soul, your feelings, to make up for the things he lacked.

and he way he looked at you, made you feel special, made you feel good, for once, even if you were less than dirt to him. but everyone knows that happiness never lasts, it never stays.

and his face, as if hand carved from god himself. the perfectly sculptured angles of his face, the shadows forever residing underneath his tall cheekbones, the light sticking to his already beautiful eyes, as if the sun god himself knew he had to light up augustine's dark world.

we all experience that one night in our lives where the night sky is just darkness. black and nothing else.

augustine lived every living hour, minute, second, like that. with no light in his life, no path to guide him through life. just darkness.

he had no saving grace,

he had no safe haven.

he had no sanctuary, no place to hide when there was a storm.

and most importantly, he had no home. his home was the past. and you can never cling onto the past, for it has already vanished. and augustine knew this damn well.

but he often tried so hard to hide his black soul, he often tried so hard to be elegant and beautiful. he pretended everyday, every hour, every minute, every second. he pretended so much he became a part of his act. his act of normalcy.

but the way he walked was most peculiar, for someone with darkness in his soul, he walked with such grace, such poise, the movements flowing like water in the rivers he used to swim in when he was young. gracefully, peacefully, an angel on the outside.

on the outside.

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